CHAPTER 11: on THE mAT: foRmAl YogA PRACTICES foR SElf-REgulATIon And EngAgEmEnT • 243
warrior II Pose
Warrior II is also considered a strengthening pose (Flynn, 2013; Harper, 2013). A chair is a
good support here for students who have yet to develop good balance.
Pose Warrior I
Instruct From Downward Facing Dog, step your left foot between your hands, press
down your right foot, engage your legs and your belly and lift up to standing.
Press the outer rim of your back foot into your mat. Turn your back foot
slightly outward. Stabilize the pose by pressing all four corners of your left
foot into the mat. Engage both legs by pressing your feet into the mat and
pulling them toward center. Draw your naval into your spine. Lift through your
chest and crown of your head and reach your hands up to the ceiling.
Anchor Point Your feet, belly, heart and hands, from the floor up. The focal point is between
your hands.
Breath Work Your breath should be deep and steady.
Photograph by Madison Weber; model Kayla Tiedemann.
Source: Flynn, 2013; Gillen & Gillen, 2007; Harper, 2013; Herrington, 2012; Neiman, 2015; Walsh, 2008.
PoSE 11.11 wARRIoR II PoSE
Pose Warrior II
Instruct From Warrior I (leftside), turn your
back foot so that it is perpendicular
to your front foot and spine at the
hips. Reach your right hand behind
you and your left hand forward,
looking over the second and third
fingers of your left hand.
Your feet, belly, heart, and hands,
from the floor up. The focal point is
beyond your left second and third
Your breath should be deep and
Photograph by Madison Weber; model Kayla Tiedemann.
Source: Flynn, 2013; Gillen & Gillen, 2007; Harper, 2013; Herrington, 2012; Neiman, 2015; Walsh, 2008.
CHAllEngE: Challenging and Vigorous Poses
This section of the class moves students into more intensity. As a teacher you want to be a
positive, compassionate, and kind coach as you help students work hard. As such, this sec-
tion is a good teaching point for the principles (see Chapter 3). This section of the class often