250 • PART III: YogA foR EduCATIng foR SElf-REgulATIon And EngAgEmEnT
Standing Extended Toe Pose
Standing Extended Toe is an advanced balance pose. As such, it builds balance and inte-
gration. The pose builds strength in the supporting leg and core. It can be modified by
bending the lifted leg and taking the bent knee out to the side or using a strap to help
extend the leg.
CEnTER: Centering and grounding
The CENTER part of the sequence emphasizes poses that require balancing, grounding, and
connection to the mat and internal awareness. Poses include balance poses, triangle; war-
riors I, II, and peaceful warrior; side angle; and wide legged forward fold.
Eagle Pose
Eagle Pose is considered a balancing and integrating pose. It is believed to help develop
balance and coordination (Flynn, 2013). Eagle Pose stretches the shoulders and upper back
while strengthening legs, knees, and ankles (Flynn, 2013). To modify this pose, place the ball
of the foot of the crossed-leg on the floor for balance, and with elbows bent, cross your arms
at your chest and place the opposite hand on the opposite shoulder (Flynn, 2013)
PoSE 11.19 STAndIng ExTEndEd ToE PoSE
Pose Standing Extended Toe
Instruct From Mountain Pose, lift your left
knee to your belly and squeeze into
your belly with both hands. Take
your left hand to the outside of your
left foot and extend your left leg
forward, pushing your right foot into
the floor and your left heel toward
the front wall. Pressing into the
inner rim of your right foot, reach
your left leg out to the left. Look
Your right foot, inner rim, and core.
The focal point is forward and then
Slow deep intentional breaths.
Watch for holding breath during
balance poses.
Photograph by Madison Weber; model Kayla Tiedemann.
Source: Walsh, 2008.