CHAPTER 11: on THE mAT: foRmAl YogA PRACTICES foR SElf-REgulATIon And EngAgEmEnT • 253
Tree Pose
Tree Pose is a balancing and integrating pose (Flynn, 2013; Harper, 2013; Herrington, 2012).
It helps students develop focus, improves balance, and stretches and strengthens the legs,
especially the inner thigh (Flynn, 2013). To adapt the pose, have students place the ball
of the lifted leg on the floor. To modify, place a stable chair next to the student to support
Triangle Pose
Triangle Pose stretches and strengthens the legs, arms, back, and core, elongates the spine,
and opens the chest (Flynn, 2013). To modify, use a block or two to help the students reach
the floor.
PoSE 11.23 TREE PoSE
Pose Tre e
Instruct From Mountain Pose, bend your right knee
and bring your right foot to the inside of
your left calf or inner thigh. Press your left
foot into the mat, especially the inner rim of
the foot. Engage your left leg and press the
sole of your right foot into your left thigh.
Engage your belly and place your palms
together at your chest. Pressing down into
your left foot, integrate your right leg by
pressing your foot into the left leg, pull
your belly in. From here, lift your arms up
to the ceiling.
Anchor Point The foot and belly. The focal point is forward
and up.
Breath Work Slow deep intentional breaths. Watch for
holding breath during balance poses.
Photograph by Madison Weber; model Kayla Tiedemann.
Source: Flynn, 2013; Harper, 2013; Herrington, 2012; Walsh, 2008.