Mindfulness and Yoga in Schools A Guide for Teachers and Practitioners

(Ben Green) #1

254 • PART III: YogA foR EduCATIng foR SElf-REgulATIon And EngAgEmEnT

wide-legged forward fold Pose

Wide-Legged Forward Fold is considered a calming pose (Flynn, 2013). To modify, students
can use blocks to help them reach the floor more easily.

Photograph by Madison Weber; model Kayla Tiedemann.
Source: Flynn, 2013; Neiman, 2015; Walsh, 2008)

PoSE 11.25 wIdE-lEggEd foRwARd fold PoSE

Pose Wide-Legged Forward Fold
Instruct Step or hop your feet wide apart.
Place your hands on your hips, soften
your knees, and fold at the hips. Place
your hands on the floor, draw your
naval toward your spine, and hang
your head heavy and allow yourself to
lean forward, making sure your heels
stay connected to the floor.

The feet and belly. The breath is
always an anchor point.

Allow your breath to be smooth, even,
and natural.

PoSE 11.24 TRIAnglE PoSE

Pose Triangle
Instruct From Warrior II (left side), reach forward
with your left hand to elongate your
spine. Bending sideways, press your feet
into your mat, soften your knees slightly,
and use your core muscles to stack your
lungs on top of each other. Reach your
left hand down to a block and reach your
right hand up to the ceiling. Keeping
your chin neutral, look up to your lifted
Anchor Point Your feet and core. The focal point is to
the lifted hand.
Breath Work Breath should be deep, intentional, and

Photograph by Madison Weber; model Kayla Tiedemann.
Source: Flynn, 2013; Gillen & Gillen, 2007; Harper, 2013; Herrington, 2012; Neiman, 2015; Walsh, 2008.

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