256 • PART III: YogA foR EduCATIng foR SElf-REgulATIon And EngAgEmEnT
Pigeon Pose
Pigeon Pose is considered a hip stretching pose (Flynn, 2013). It stretches the gluteus
muscles, groin, and hamstrings, while elongating the back (Flynn, 2013). It can be done
as Half Pigeon Pose, with one leg directly behind the student. Or as Double Pigeon Pose
with both legs stacked on top of each other, ankle on knee on each side. To modify the Half
Pigeon Pose, place a block under the thigh of the bent leg to give more support for the
hips. To modify Double Pigeon Pose, place a block under the external side of each thigh
for support
PoSE 11.27 HAlf PIgEon PoSE
Pose Half Pigeon Pose
Instruct From Downward Facing Dog, step
your right foot forward and
heel-toe your foot over to the left
side. Drop your knee to the right so
your shin is parallel to the front edge
of your mat. Place a block under your
right thigh. Press into your hands to
square your hips, drawing your left
leg directly behind you, pressing the
top of your foot into your mat and
then release it to the floor. If it feels
okay slowly walk your hands forward
coming to a fold over your right
leg, or use a block to support your
Your hips. The focal point is forward
if arms are straight and chest is lifted,
directly to your mat and down if
folded forward, or eyes closed with
internal awareness.
Work for gentle, natural breathing.
Photograph by Madison Weber; model Kayla Tiedemann.
Source: Walsh, 2008.
Seated forward fold Pose
Seated Forward Fold is a calming pose (Flynn, 2013; Harper, 2013). It is also called Sandwich
Pose (Herrington, 2012). This pose stretches the back side of the body from the heels to the
neck (Flynn, 2013). To modify the pose, provide the students with a strap. Place the strap
around the feet and hold the strap with both hands. One-Legged Forward Fold can be more
accessible for those with tight hamstrings.