CHAPTER 11: on THE mAT: foRmAl YogA PRACTICES foR SElf-REgulATIon And EngAgEmEnT • 257
PoSE 11.28 onE-lEggEd foRwARd fold PoSE
Photograph by Madison Weber; model Kayla Tiedemann.
Source: Flynn, 2013; Harper, 2013; Herrington, 2012; Walsh, 2008.
Pose One-Legged Forward Fold
Instruct From a seated position,
straighten your legs out in
front of you on the mat.
Bending your right knee
place the sole of your right
foot on your left inner thigh.
Engaging your belly, reach
your chest toward your
left big toe, elongate your
spine. Place your hands on
either side of your left shin
or hold your left foot.
Anchor Point Your sit bones and belly.
The focal point is forward.
Breath Work Work toward steady,
natural, relaxed breath.
PoSE 11.29 REClInEd buTTERflY PoSE
Pose Reclined Butterfly Pose
Instruct Lying on your back, bring the soles of
your feet together. Let your knees fall
wide open. Place one hand on your
belly and one hand on your heart.
Your belly and your heart. The focal
point is internal or a soft gaze if
eyes are open.
Breath should be calm, easy, and
Photograph by Madison Weber; model Kayla Tiedemann.
Source: Walsh, 2008.
Reclined butterfly Pose
Reclined Butterfly Pose is a restoration pose. It creates a stretch through the hips and groin,
while calming the nervous system. Some students feel vulnerable here or have very tight
hips and can’t stay in this pose in comfort for more than a few breaths. To modify, have
students take their feet to the edge of their mats and let their knees fall together.