258 • PART III: YogA foR EduCATIng foR SElf-REgulATIon And EngAgEmEnT
Reclining Twist Pose
Reclining Twist stretches the back, gluteus, and neck muscles (Flynn, 2013). To provide a
modification, place a block under the bent knee for support.
PoSE 11.30 REClInIng TwIST PoSE
Pose Reclining Twist
Instruct Lying on your back, draw your right
knee in toward your belly and hug it
in using both hands. Take your left
hand to the outside of your right
knee, draw your knee over to your
left side. Extend your right arm and
turn your head to gaze at or beyond
your right hand.
Your back and outer part of the hip
of your bent leg. The focal point is
beyond your extended hand.
Your breath should be natural and
Photograph by Madison Weber; model Kayla Tiedemann.
Source: Gillen & Gillen, 2007; Walsh, 2008.
PoSE 11.31 RESTIng PoSE
Resting Pose
Resting Pose relaxes the body and is considered a restorative pose (Flynn, 2013; Harper,
2013). Some students feel safer seated with their backs against the wall and eyes slightly
open. Other students like a heavy blanket to help calm them.