April 2019 Modern Railways 17
News Front
WELSH ECONOMY and Transport
Minister Ken Skates has reopened
the feasibility study into increasing
the frequency of trains on the
Ebbw Vale line. The study, due to be
completed by early summer, will look
at the process needed to bring four
trains per hour to the line by 2024
as part of the South Wales Metro.
Services began on the reopened
Ebbw Vale line in February 2008, with
the line used by an hourly service
to Cardiff. Ambitions to provide a
second hourly service to Newport
formed a second phase, along with
extension to Ebbw Vale Town (which
opened in 2015) and reopening of
the branch from Aberbeeg Junction
to Abertillery. However, the Welsh
Government opted to pause and
review the frequency enhancement
work as costs escalated. The study
will now see Network Rail re-examine
the case following work with the
Welsh Government to reduce costs.
Meanwhile, the Cardiff Capital
Region City Deal has identified a
proposed £50 million programme of
local transport schemes to support
the implementation of the South
Wales Metro. Included in this is the
creation of a rail link from Aberbeeg to
Abertillery, with a Park and Ride site for
100 vehicles.
Garrandale to sponsor Modern Railways RVE
confirmed as a sponsor for Modern
Railways RVE 2019.
The Derby-based company,
which manufacturers and maintains
carriage wash systems, fuelling
stations, control emission toilet,
lubricating and monitoring systems,
exhibited at RVE for the first time
in 2018. After a successful debut,
the company is going one better
in 2019 and has signed up as a
Silver Sponsor for the show.
A range of sponsorship packages
for Modern Railways RVE are
available to suit all budgets. Silver
sponsorship means Garrandale
will benefit from an enhanced
presence on the Modern Railways
RVE website, which will shortly be
relaunched with a new layout and
look, as well as within the Show
Guide and at the event on 3 October.
Meanwhile, further to our update
last month, work continues behind
the scenes ready for RVE Meet The
Buyer to launch in the spring. Rail
Forum Midlands is still bringing
together the buyers for this year’s
show, while the Department for
International Trade is collating
applications to bring an international
flavour to this successful element
of Modern Railways RVE. More
details will also be announced
soon about new benefits offered
to exhibitors signing up for a stand
at Modern Railways RVE, including
enhanced opportunities to meet
with the buyers at the show.
For further details about
promoting your company at
Modern Railways RVE 2019,
please e-mail James Farrell at
[email protected].
Busy show: this was the scene at RVE 2018.
Service intensification study: this is
Ebbw Vale Town. Philip Sherratt
in the way it is today’ and is ‘no longer
delivering clear benefits for either
taxpayers or farepayers’, according to
Rail Review chair Keith Williams.
Mr Williams made the comments in
the annual George Bradshaw address
on 26 February. The former British
Airways chief executive was appointed
to lead the rail review by Transport
Secretary Chris Grayling in September,
and described it as ‘the biggest review
of the railway for generations’.
In his address Mr Williams said
the industry is ‘at a crucial juncture
where public trust crosses the
industry’s ability to deal with
change’ and that the railway needs
to put passengers at its heart.
Despite the industry’s successes,
he highlighted the ‘harsh realities’
of poor performance, fare hikes,
disruptive industrial action and the
failures to deliver key infrastructure
on time or to budget, which ‘have
contributed to a dismal few years
for the railway’. He suggested the
rail industry has lost sight of its
customers – passengers and freight –
and therefore lost public trust.
Discussing franchising, Mr Williams
said that while the model has helped
drive growth since the 1990s the
needs of passengers have changed
and ‘many of the basic elements of
our rail system serving those needs
has not kept pace’ while ‘too often
the current system incentivises
short term behaviours and inhibits
reform’. He also noted the inability
to deliver on innovation at the
same time as the reputational risk
for franchises has increased.
Mr Williams also stated that
the current system ‘does not
have the structure and clarity of
accountability it needs to properly
deliver’, highlighting a frustration
within the industry ‘that rules
and regulations are holding back
innovation and problem solving’.
He said his team would ‘suggest the
most practical measures to fix the
system’ but that this would have to
be taken in the context of creating
clear accountabilities. Mr Williams
noted the ‘very clear commitment’
from Transport Secretary Chris
Grayling and the Department for
Transport ‘to encourage myself,
the expert panel and my team to
bring in root and branch change’.
Going forward, Mr Williams said his
team would continue its extensive
engagement with the industry,
passengers and business, and a
further call for evidence was to follow
in March. He noted the outcomes
of the review will mean accepting
trade-offs, such as between capacity
and reliability, between more services
and resilience or between cost and
quality, and would also take time to
implement. A Government White
Paper setting out these outcomes is
due to be published in the autumn.
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