Allrecipes – April-May 2019

(Nora) #1
Researchers believe that changes in
your gut bacteria may play a role in
anxiety and depression. The intestine
has its own nervous system and even
its own serotonin.
Your gut and brain communicate (it’s called
the brain-gut axis, or cross talk), which
may be why your stomach flutters when
you have to speak in public, or why you get
stomachaches when you’re upset.
A recent review of 10 studies on using
probiotics to treat depression and anxiety
had mixed results, but there was enough
there to encourage further research. Who
knows—maybe someday we’ll be drowning
our sorrows in a (probiotic) drink.

Consuming probiotics while you’re on antibiotics
can counteract negative side effects that one in three
people experience with antibiotics.
And some research shows that probiotics may also help treat diarrhea and
constipation. It’s because your gut is full of all kinds of bacteria, some of
which keep you healthy, and others that can make you sick. As with any turf
war, the good guys need to outnumber the bad. When you take antibiotics,
have certain infections, or suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, the bad
guys grow, your balance gets out of whack, and then your gut suffers the
unpleasant consequences. That’s where probiotics can help by increasing
the number of good bacteria.
While there’s no specific daily probiotic recommendation yet, most research
says to aim for 1 billion to 10 billion live bacteria cultures per day (about 1 cup
of yogurt or kefir) to keep your gut healthy.

It looks like probiotics
could be good for
your skin as well as
your gut. In one study,
when people applied a
cream with a probiotic
common in yogurt, their
ceramides—the key to
healthy, moisturized skin—
increased significantly.
Other studies have found
that imbalances in the
gut microbiome are
common in people with
skin disorders (think acne
or eczema). In one study,
when participants drank
probiotics such as kefir,
their acne improved over
12 weeks. More research
is needed to determine
how much and what
specific probiotics are
beneficial to skin, though.

a ticket to

better skin?

happy brain



Food for Thought

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