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Amazing teachers #1
Laura Burkhart: you’ll get to read more about Laura in next month’s
issue but you can enjoy workshops with her directly at the Manchester
show. That includes a Heart Hip and Core Flow class on the opening
day. Expect to feel open and strong, from head-to-toe afterwards.
Amazing teachers #3
Rose Shaw: yoga anatomy nerd alert! Find out how our
feet afect our hip stability, back stifness, knees, balance
and more with Rose, who’s also an occasional OM writer.
Expect fascinating fascia and body brain teasers in a
workshop that’s suitable for all.
Amazing teachers #2
Sarah Ramsden: she pioneered yoga for sport (working
with Man Utd legend Ryan Giggs, among others), now
Sarah is here to help you. Find her at the show where
she’ll be leading a workshop on yoga and injury.