om living
ating a diet that encourages a healthy gut microbiome,
avoiding central obesity (fat in the stomach region) and
getting enough sleep are among the many dietary and
lifestyle factors that may help to protect against heart
disease and stroke. That’s according to indings of a
new Task Force report from the British Nutrition Foundation (BNF),
entitled Cardiovascular Disease: Diet, Nutrition and Emerging Rask
Factors: 2nd Edition. The evidence for other emerging risk factors
that may increase risk – such as being sedentary for long periods,
and poor diet in pregnancy – were presented at a conference for
academics and health professionals to launch the Task Force report
in London recently.
In the UK, the death rate from cardiovascular disease (CVD), which
includes heart disease and stroke has been falling but it is still one
of the leading causes of death. There are a number of treatments
available, which have contributed to reducing mortality, but ill health
associated with CVD (morbidity) remains high and could even be
rising in older age groups.
“Conventional lifestyle-related risk factors for cardiovascular
disease include smoking, raised cholesterol and blood pressure, lack
of physical activity, obesity and diabetes,” said Professor Keith Frayn
Emeritus, Professor of Human Metabolism, University of Oxford
and Chair of the Task Force. “However, these ‘classical’ risk factors
cannot fully explain diferences in cardiovascular disease risk and
emerging evidence suggests that other novel risk factors may play
an important role.”
The Task Force report explores some of the emerging and novel risk
factors and how they can afect our risk of heart disease and stroke.
Gut health
Scientiic research shows that eating plenty of wholegrains and other
ibre rich foods is important for a healthy gut, but the Task Force
report highlights that the fermentation of ibre by our gut bacteria
may also inluence our risk of heart disease.
Sara Stanner, Science Director at the BNF and editor of the Task
Force report said: “As a nation we’re consuming well below the
recommended intake for ibre. Eating plenty of fruit and vegetables,
choosing high-ibre or wholegrain varieties of starchy carbohydrates,
and eating plenty of pulses, like beans, peas and lentils, will
contribute to ibre intakes and can help to keep your gut healthy and
decrease your risk of heart disease.”
Central fat
It’s known that being overweight increases your risk of heart disease
and stroke, but where you carry any excess fat is also important
in determining the risk of heart disease and stroke. The new Task
Force report explains that people who have excess fat around the
stomach are at increased risk because the cells secrete a number of
substances that can contribute to risk.
Stanner said: “Regardless of height or BMI, people should try to lose
weight if their waist measures more than 94cm (37ins) for men and
80cm (31.5ins) for women.”
There is a well-established link between sodium in salt and risk of
high blood pressure but other minerals like calcium, magnesium and
potassium may play a role in preventing high blood pressure and have
positive efects on other risk factors for heart disease and stroke.
“Eating a varied diet will help to ensure you get all the essential
minerals you need; potassium is found in foods like bananas,
potatoes and ish, magnesium in lentils and wholegrains and calcium
in dairy foods and some green leafy vegetables,” noted Stanner.
Evidence in the Task Force report suggests that it is not just a lack
of sleep but also poor quality and interrupted sleep that may be
linked to an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes,
obesity, and hypertension.
“There is emerging evidence that inadequate sleep is linked
to increased risk of cardiovascular disease,” said Stanner. “For
general health, adults should aim for between seven and nine
hours sleep a night.”
Workplace stress
Many scientiic studies have linked stress with ill-health but the link
between job-related stress and increased risk of heart disease and
stroke is becoming more widely recognised. The report suggests that
exposure to stress activates speciic regions of the brain, leading to
an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, which can afect blood
vessel walls and damage the functioning of the blood vessel lining.
“If you’re exposed to stress in the workplace it’s a good idea to ind
relaxation techniques that suit you, and actively work at managing
your stress levels,” Stanner added.
Other risk factors
Other signiicant risk factors identiied by the Task Force report
include birthweight (both high and low birthweights are associated
with increased risk of heart disease in later life), excessive
consumption of alcohol and sedentary behaviour, even if
interspersed with physical activity.