Meng AIR Modeller – April-May 2019

(Tina Meador) #1

I must sincerely thank the Hellenic Air Force Museum personnel, for
assisting into getting closer to the real thing; Mr. Michael Solanakis
who kindly provided the drawings he has made for the Noratlas,
thus giving me the head start, as well as Mr. Michael Skoularikos
([email protected]) for his invaluable help in designing and photo-
etching for the Noratlas. Last but not least, Mr. John Sagiadinos of
Y.S. Masterpieces ([email protected]) for his fine
reproducing in resin the propeller blades of the model, relieving me
of the trouble of doing each one by hand!


N2501 Noratlas, Siegfried Wache, F40 ‘Flugzeuge der
Bundeswehr’, AGL, 11/1988.

Le Noratlas, Xavier Capy, Editions Escale, Alby, Juin 1997.

N2501D aircraft technical manuals.


A complicated modelling endeavour, the Noratlas took the best of
two years to complete. All the demands concerning its construction
were fully met. However it was the introduction of new materials and
techniques such as 3D-printing which led to a successful built.
Without these, the end result would probably be a much more
compromised construction. Being a follow-up to the scratchbuilt 1:
Short Stirling (the construction of it has been described in detail
through these pages two years ago), the Noratlas presented more or
less the same degree of difficulty; however it was the twin-boom
layout of the subject which made things somewhat more complicated
as regards its overall symmetry, as well as its full interior detailing. In
this respect I must stress the fact that I feel the Noratlas was really
one step beyond.
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