Meng AIR Modeller – April-May 2019

(Tina Meador) #1
I used different kinds of materials to increase the details of as many parts as
possible according to real F-14 pictures and diagrams For example, the
landing gears, lots of wiring, tubes and connectors were added. I also drilled
through and added metal rods inside to ehance the strength of the legs and
replaced plastic hyraulic rod parts with polished metal ones. Once the
fuselage and wings were mated, I scribed all of the panel lines again, the
original ones were ok, but not perfect and I wanted perfect. I added rivets
with a 0.2 mm drill according to very detaled drawings and I can say the
number and locations were at least 90 percent accurate!

The confined space inside the
wings makes for some demanding
wiring and conections!

Many scratchbuilt
details to the
landing gear
matches the levels
of the wheel wells.
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