Meng AIR Modeller – April-May 2019

(Tina Meador) #1



The production painting of the German Air Force Noratlases
consisted of three colours, within the RAL colour range. These
were RAL6014 Gelboliv and RAL7012 Basaltgrau for the
topsides and booms, and RAL7001 Silbergrau for the
undersides. Their already ageing paint when received by the
Hellenic Air Force notwithstanding, these planes were
subjected to severe fading due to sunlight and atmospheric
conditions of the Mediterranean environment. This is
clearly evident on the areas painted in the delicate Day-
Glo Red, which gradually turned to orange, eventually to
reach plain yellow, as the red colour and its
fluorescent factor gradually disappeared. Therefore I
used the three principal colours only as a guide. I
altered their shades so as to get the desired effect
without whatsoever getting outside the ‘envelope’
of the colours. I used the Xtracolor
X251/X254/X255 appropriately mixed with
lighter shades of greys and greens of the
same range of enamels.

Megas Tsonos

concludes his stunning scratchbuild


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