Supporting Social Inclusion for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders Insights from Research and Practice

(WallPaper) #1

86 Judith Hebron

TABLE 7.1 Studies focusing on the primary to secondary school transition of young people
with Autism

Study Setting N Design Data


Peters, R., and Brooks, R.
(2016). Parental perspectives
on the transition to
secondary school for
students with Asperger
syndrome and high-
functioning autism: a pilot
survey study. British Journal
of Special Education, 43(1),

England 17 Quant Post Parents

Mandy, W., Murin, M.,
Baykaner, O., Staunton, S.,
Hellriegel, J., Anderson, S.,
and Skuse, D. (2015a). The
transition from primary
to secondary school in
mainstream education
for children with autism
spectrum disorder. Autism,
20(1), 5-13.

England 28 Quant Pre/Post Students,
parents and

Coles, J. (2014). Transition
to secondary school: A
comparison of parents’
and pupils’ concerns. Good
Autism Practice, 15, 70–80.

England 10 Quant Pre Students
and parents

Dillon, G. V., and
Underwood, D. M. (2012).
Parental perspectives of
students with autism
spectrum disorders
transitioning from primary
to secondary school in
the United Kingdom.
Focus on Autism and Other
Developmental Disabilities,
27 , 111–21.

UK 15 Mixed Pre/



exploring the experience for young people with Autism. An overview of these
is provided in Table 7.1.

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