Harrowsmith – June 2019

(ff) #1

46 | harrowsmithmag.com

himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph
of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while
daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid
souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
That was us! We had literally been marred by dust and sweat and
blood! We came up short again and again and we knew the pain and
shame of defeat. But now we had a new perspective by which to view our
failures, one that allowed us to take pride in our efforts and to learn from
our mistakes without letting them cloud and dampen our triumphs.
As we head into our sixth year of our homesteading adventure, we
now truly believe that any mistake we make, farm related or otherwise, is
never a true failure unless we choose not to learn from it. Our hope is that
we will always have the courage to try and fail and learn and try again, and
Brother-in-law Chris is recruited to that we can raise our daughter to be a courageous failure too. H
help build the greenhouse.

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