Harrowsmith – June 2019

(ff) #1
Harrowsmith Summer 2019 | 57



“ecosystem ponds.” This
means that the pond is designed to
create a well-balanced ecosystem
that will reduce maintenance and
support healthy plant and fish life.
This is important to us, as it ensures
that the pond will not only look and
function well for our client but also
be a safe habitat for birds, insects
and animals. By using biological
filtration rather than harsh
chemicals in our ponds, the water is
kept safe for animals to drink, swim
and live in. Birds, squirrels, bees,
frogs and even turtles often turn up
to enjoy the cool, refreshing water
that the pond offers. An ecosystem
pond can really help preserve and
improve biodiversity in any setting.
The first step to creating your
pond is to determine an appropriate
location. During this step, we like to
consider which indoor and outdoor
living spaces you would like to view
the pond from.

Once the location is selected, we
use bright marking paint to draw
out the shape of your pond. We like
to use an irregular shape, since it
looks much more natural.
With the pond marked out, we
then place two of the main pond
components around the perimeter:
the skimmer and the BioFalls. The
skimmer is where your pond pump
will be housed. It draws in water
and skims surface debris from the
water, just like a pool skimmer. The
BioFalls serves multiple functions:
it acts as a biological filter, the start
of your waterfall and a place for
beneficial bacteria to colonize.
We like to place the skimmer
and BioFalls at opposite ends of the
pond to ensure good circulation of
water. We also want the BioFalls
to face toward the backyard’s main
indoor and outdoor viewing areas.
We want you to be able to see and
enjoy the waterfall from as many
places as possible.

One great dynamic about pond
building is that a lot of the material
you dig out of the ground to create
your pond will be repurposed
immediately. We use the excavated
soil to surround the BioFalls and
create berms on either side of it.
We avoid creating a volcano look by
having the berms gently slope away
on either side of the waterfall. This
helps blend the waterfall into the
surrounding gardens and landscape.
During the excavation is where
we get to sculpt and carve out the
various tiers of the pond. There is
really no limit to your design and
that’s what makes building a pond
so enjoyable. We like to use organic
shapes when creating our tiers. We
also want to ensure that our shelf
walls are vertical for structural
strength and easy rock placement
later. And the pond shelves should
be flat and level so they can support
the rocks and gravel that will be
placed on them.

An irregular-shaped pond looks more natural. During excavation, tiers are sculpted and carved.
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