Harrowsmith – June 2019

(ff) #1

agriculture, you’re using length
and width; with vertical, we’re
using length, width and height,
so we’re maximizing square
footage,” Alvarez says. For this
reason, “Every acre of vertical
farming is equivalent to 10 acres in
conventional farming,” he adds.
While indoor farming is
something anyone can do anywhere,
making it an exciting option for
growers the world over, it does
require a significant financial
commitment. “The initial cost is
huge, but after that it starts paying
off, especially as it becomes more
popular and the light technology
becomes more affordable,” says
Alvarez, who welcomes a rise in
urban farms and indoor growers
even if it means more competition.
“There were a handful of farms
when wefirststartedandnowwe
seea lotmore.Ifwehadsomething

to do with that, that’s great. Our
mission is to inspire others to do it
themselves,” he says.
Today, the 3,000-square-
foot Mississauga facility grows
approximately 20,000 plants a
month, including lettuces, spring
mixes and basil. “We have 4,000 fish
in the system. They’re the engine
of the system,” says Alvarez. The
company retails to Whole Foods and
a handful of independent stores.
“The goal is to disrupt the flow of
food coming in. There’s room for all

exciting. You can see this wave of
pride going in the city,” says Alvarez.
“It’s an important movement to keep
going, not just for our business but
for the planet.”

Growing up is good to do
“Most of the herbs sold in
stores are coming from foreign
countries, thousands of miles
away,” says Bob Legault, senior
business development manager of
Back40growers (back40growers.ca).
“By the time we get the product,
it’stwotothree weeks old. By the


Not only does the indoor aquaponic model offer
growers a way to get around increasingly volatile
climate change conditions and grow food year-round,
but it also offers a more sustainable, water-friendly
solution to agriculture.
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