Harrowsmith – June 2019

(ff) #1

A Tiny Home to Call Your
Own: Living Well in Just-
Right Houses
by Patricia Foreman
(New Society, 2019)
From newlyweds to empty nesters,
tiny homes have captured the
imagination of millions of people
worldwide. They offer the appeal of
less maintenance, lower costs and a
smaller ecological footprint—but is
it the right choice for you? Patricia
Foreman’s A Tiny Home to Call Your
Own explores how moving into a tiny
home is not just about living in a small
space but also about re-evaluating
your stuff, and helps readers decide
“How much is enough?” The book covers the advantages of living in a
tiny or smaller home, with realistic steps for evaluating the downsizing
that is required to live in one. From buying you time to helping you
gain financial freedom and an unfettered lifestyle, tiny homes offer big
advantages, and Foreman’s book gives readers a realistic look at the
smaller details of living in one, to help you make informed choices so
you can create the living space you’ll love.

ree to a Good Home
y Jules Torti
Caitlin Press, 2019)

ree to a Good Home explores
arrowsmith editor-in-chief Jules
Torti’s lifelong commitment to feeling
at home where it mattered most:
within herself. At 18, with $1,000 in
er bank account, Torti moved from
ntario to the West Coast to find “her
eople.” From the unpaved country
ide roads in southwestern Ontario,
among the corn and tobacco-fringed
elds of Mount Pleasant, where she
rew up, to prepping chimpanzees’
reakfast in the Congo, searching for
er own breakfast in the dumpsters of
Vancouver’s back alleys and seeking a permanent address in Ontario’s
unforgiving real estate market—with many otherworldly adventures in
between—Torti continued her search for home, and discovered along the
way that homesickness took up its own residence in her identity. While
she longed for a home of bricks and mortar (or log or stone), she knew
her greatest sense of home was to be found in a person: the missing her.
At turns poignant and hilarious, Free to a Good Home explores what it
means to call a place home. H



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Alaska Highway Two-Step
A captivating travel-mystery novel about
the road to adventure and
self-discovery on the Alaska Highway.
$19. 95  (lost moose)

Light Years
Memoir of a Modern Lighthouse Keeper
A memoir about choosing adventure over
security to become a twenty-fi rst century
lightkeeper on Canada’s West Coast. $29.95

A West Coast Summer
with art by Carol Evans
Readers of all ages will enjoy this
charming collaboration of stunning
artwork and rhyming stories, sure to
become a children’s classic. $19. 95
Free download pdf