MaximumPC 2007 06

(Dariusz) #1
Next, you’ll need to download
Service Pack 2. NLite has links at the
bottom of the screen that take you to
pages where you can down-
load the latest service packs
for Windows 2000, Windows
2003, and XP. Click the link for
XP patches. The first link on
the page that opens should
be for Windows XP Service
Pack 2. Click it, scroll down,
and look on the right side
of the screen where it says
“Download and Deploy SP2 to
Multiple Computers” and click
the link. This will let you down-
load the network install version,
which is what nLite needs.
Download it to your desktop.
In nLite, click the “Select the
Service Pack for Integration”

button and browse to the file you just
downloaded. NLite will integrate the
service pack with your installation.

4 Get Service Pack 2


how (^2) ImprovIng your pc experIence, one step at a tIme
Clicking the Windows XP link takes you to a
page where you can download the Service
Pack you need.
5 Forced Integration
Integrating a hotfix is fairly easy. Just
download the hotfix to the location
of your choice, navigate to the Hotfix
screen in nLite (you must have it
selected in the Task Selection win-
dow before you can click to it). Click
the Insert button and point nLite to
the hotfix you want to install.
That’s the easy part. The difficult
part is locating all the hotfixes and
patches Microsoft has issued since
Service Pack 2 came out. An easy
way to do this is to use another app,
RyanVM Integrator (
While it includes some of the function-
ality of nLite, it’s best used for inte-
grating hotfixes. The site maintains a
post-SP2 update pack where patches
are collected into one giant file.
Security freaks, however, may not
be willing to download hotfixes from
an unofficial source. For those people, contains a list of available
updates, complete with direct links to
Microsoft, so you can download each
one manually if you choose and use
nLite to integrate them.
If you’re comfortable using the
third-party file, download RyanVM
Integrator and RyanVM’s Windows
XP Post-SP2 Update Pack. We put
both files on the desktop. Fire up
RyanVM Integrator. Set the source to
the Original Retail directory that you
created with nLite. For the destination
directory, we created a new directory
on the desktop named Patched Retail.
Under Choose an Update Pack CAB,
select the Post-SP2 update that is on
the desktop. Click integrate; it will take
about 10 minutes to add the files to
your build.
When the integration is done,
restart nLite. This time, point nLite
to the directory you just created with
RyanVM, the one called Patched Retail.
The easiest way to build a disc that
won’t require tons of downloaded
patches is to use the RyanVM Integrator
and its Post-SP2 Update Pack.

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