It’s not just sitting on the airplane
that causes stiff ness; it’s also all of
the lugging and lifting of bags. Even
if you check luggage, those carry-on
bags can pull on your shoulders,
causing a tight upper back and neck.
HOW-TO:Lean forward slightly. Let
your shoulders hang heavy and roll
your neck in one direction 10 times,
then switch the direction of the roll.
Next, take your left hand to your
right ear and gently pull your left ear
to your left shoulder, releasing the
opposite side of your neck. Stay here
for 10 to 15 breaths, then repeat on
the other side.
Note: Be careful not to make any
sudden movements in this position.
If you would like a diff erent release
(for example, tilting your chin up or
down before taking the side stretch
changes the release), come upright
fi rst and re-adjust the position of your
head before pulling your ear to your
shoulder again.
Half Lotus Pose, variation
There’s nothing like prolonged sitting
to prompt tight hips. This variation
of Lotus Pose (or Figure Four Pose)
is a good release for the outer hip
and glutes, which get tight and weak
from sitting.
HOW-TO:Start with your feet
hip-width apart. Pull your right knee
into your chest and turn your thigh
open, placing your right ankle as high
up your left thigh as you can. The
pinky side of your right foot should
rest toward the top of your left leg.
You can stay upright, keeping your
chest lifted, or play with tipping
forward at your pelvis to deepen
the stretch. Stay here for 30 breaths,
then switch legs.