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SPRING IS IN FULL BLOOM and while we’re thrilled to get out in nature, salute the sun and take
our yoga practice outside, we’re also feeling a little stuffed up. According to Ayurveda, yoga’s sister science and
the world’s oldest system of healing, spring is kapha season. Kapha dosha, like springtime, consists of water
and earth elements. When kapha dosha is out of balance, you might feel tired, depressed, and dull. As allergy
season takes hold, you might also suffer from phlegm in the lungs or sinuses, along with nausea, weight gain,
water retention, or heaviness in your limbs. Here are 4 ways to get relief, naturally.

Add Fire to Your Yoga Practice | Larissa Hall Carlson, co-leader of Yoga Journal’s new online course,
Ayurveda 201, suggests practicing fiery, stimulating poses to melt away congestion from excess kapha dosha.
Dolphin Pose is an excellent inversion for draining mucus from the lungs. Side Plank targets the core (which can
get dull in the springtime) and boosts the fire of metabolism, helping to reduce puffiness and water retention.
Carlson also recommends practicing twists like Revolved Chair Pose in the wetter months, to wring out clutter
and congestion in the abdominal region while opening the chest.

Spring Clean Your Diet | Cleaning up your diet will help you clear congestion and feel your best. Carlson
recommends eating lighter meals that include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, and avoiding heavy foods such
as dairy, wheat, and rich, cold dishes. She also suggests sprinkling black pepper on your food to add some fire
and lightness to each meal. Mustard seeds, turmeric, and even a dash of cayenne are also kapha-balancing. For
sweet foods, add some cardamon and cinnamon for a little boost to digestion.

Practice Kapalabhati | Kapalabhati, or the Skull-Shining Breath, is an energizing Pranayama breathing practice
that is perfect for spring, Carlson says. It stimulates circulation and digestion, leaving you feeling warm, light,
clear, and alert, and helps clear the sinuses. To begin, contract the belly during each quick, active exhalation
(through the nose). Relax the belly during each passive, relaxed inhalation (also through the nose). Take one
inhalation for each exhalation. Practice 25 to 50 rounds, then repeat two to three times (avoid during pregnancy).

Breathe Better... Naturally | If you still need help battling spring allergy symptoms like congestion and
sniffles, Xlear Rescue is your secret weapon. This natural nasal spray packs a powerful (drug-free) punch,
featuring herbal supplements like Pau d’Arco and essential oils like oregano, parsley, eucalyptus, and tea tree
to give you fast, effective relief you can feel good about. Learn more at xlear.com/xlear-sinus-care/
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