Australian Yoga Journal – August 2019

(WallPaper) #1





  1. VRKSASANA Tree Pose
    In a chair: Sitting tall, shift your weight to your left
    foot. Bring your right leg out to the right side and lift
    your right heel off the floor. Bring your palms
    together at your chest. Exhale and lean forward
    slightly, sending your awareness into your left foot.
    Then inhale and raise your arms, keeping your palms
    together or separating your arms into a V shape.
    On a mat: Come to a tall standing position with your
    knees soft, thighs engaged. Take a breath and as you
    exhale, grounding down through your feet. Shift your
    weight to your left foot as you bend your right knee
    and rotate your right leg out to the side. Keeping the
    toes of your right foot on the floor, place your heel
    against your left ankle. Pause here and bring your
    palms together at your chest. Exhale into your left
    foot, and then inhale, raising your arms overhead,
    keeping your hands together or separating your arms
    into a wide V shape. If this is comfortable, try lifting
    the toes of your left foot and find your balance there.
    Wave your arms and fingers like a tree in a breeze.
    Take a few breaths here. Repeat on the other side.


  1. BHUJANGASANA Cobra Pose
    In a chair: Sit with a bolster or folded blanket on
    your lap. Place your forearms and palms on the
    bolster and pull it gently toward your belly. Inhale
    and lengthen your spine. As you exhale, gently
    hinge forward over the bolster, slightly lowering
    your head. Inhale and raise your head and chest,
    keeping your neck long.
    On a mat: Lie on your abdomen with a folded
    blanket under your pelvis. This blanket can help
    to lengthen your lower back. Place your forehead
    on the mat with your hands underneath your
    shoulders, palms facing down. Exhale and
    press your pelvis into the blanket. Inhale and
    lengthen your spine, slowly lifting your chest
    and head. Stay low and keep your neck long
    as you look straight ahead. Feel your chest
    move forward as you move your shoulders back.
    Take a few breaths. Repeat if it feels good.

Grounding Breath Practice in Sukhasana

In a chair on a mat: Find a comfortable seat and close your eyes. Focus on the solidity of the ground or seat beneath
you. Inhale, and lengthen your spine. As you exhale, imagine your breath moving down your body into the ground as
if you are growing roots into the earth. Spend a moment focusing on the feeling of your belly moving forward as you
inhale and in as you exhale. You can place your hand on your belly to encourage this movement. This type of deep
breathing calms the nervous system and creates a feeling of safety.

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  1. VRKSASANA Tree Pose

In a chair: Sitting tall, shift your weight to your left

foot. Bring your right leg out to the right side and lift
your right heel off the floor. Bring your palms

together at your chest. Exhale and lean forward
slightly, sending your awareness into your left foot.
Then inhale and raise your arms, keeping your palms

together or separating your arms into a V shape.

On a mat: Come to a tall standing position with your
knees soft, thighs engaged. Take a breath and as you

exhale, grounding down through your feet. Shift your
weight to your left foot as you bend your right knee
and rotate your right leg out to the side. Keeping the

toes of your right foot on the floor, place your heel
against your left ankle. Pause here and bring your

palms together at your chest. Exhale into your left
foot, and then inhale, raising your arms overhead,
keeping your hands together or separating your arms

into a wide V shape. If this is comfortable, try lifting
the toes of your left foot and find your balance there.
Wave your arms and fingers like a tree in a breeze.

Take a few breaths here. Repeat on the other side.


  1. BHUJANGASANA Cobra Pose
    In a chair: Sit with a bolster or folded blanket on
    your lap. Place your forearms and palms on the
    bolster and pull it gently toward your belly. Inhale
    and lengthen your spine. As you exhale, gently
    hinge forward over the bolster, slightly lowering
    your head. Inhale and raise your head and chest,
    keeping your neck long.
    On a mat: Lie on your abdomen with a folded
    blanket under your pelvis. This blanket can help
    to lengthen your lower back. Place your forehead
    on the mat with your hands underneath your
    shoulders, palms facing down. Exhale and
    press your pelvis into the blanket. Inhale and
    lengthen your spine, slowly lifting your chest
    and head. Stay low and keep your neck long
    as you look straight ahead. Feel your chest
    move forward as you move your shoulders back.
    Take a few breaths. Repeat if it feels good.

Grounding Breath Practice in Sukhasana

In a chair on a mat: Find a comfortable seat and close your eyes. Focus on the solidity of the ground or seat beneath
you. Inhale, and lengthen your spine. As you exhale, imagine your breath moving down your body into the ground as
if you are growing roots into the earth. Spend a moment focusing on the feeling of your belly moving forward as you
inhale and in as you exhale. You can place your hand on your belly to encourage this movement. This type of deep
breathing calms the nervous system and creates a feeling of safety.

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