Australian Yoga Journal – August 2019

(WallPaper) #1


august/september 2019


  1. BALASANA Child’s Pose
    In a chair: Sit tall and widen your knees. Stand a bolster
    on end between your knees and hold it in your hands.
    Inhale and lengthen your spine; exhale, hinging forward
    at the hips. Rest your forearms on your thighs, and your
    forehead on the bolster. If you don’t have a bolster, you
    can try practicing with a second chair in front of you, with
    the seat facing you. Place a blanket or block on the seat
    of the second chair, and as you hinge forward try to
    place your forehead on it.

On a mat:Kneel on top of a folded blanket with your
toes coming off the edge of the blanket. Place another
blanket or a bolster behind your thighs and sit back
toward your feet. Widen your knees. Either place a
bolster in front of you between your legs or bring your
hands to the floor in front of you. Inhale and lengthen
your spine. Exhale and hinge forward at your hips.
Slowly lower your torso toward the floor, resting your
forehead on the bolster or the floor in front of you.

Take a few breaths, feeling gentle pressure at your
third eye centre.


    Alternate Nostril Breathing
    In a chair or on a mat: Come to a comfortable seated
    position with a long spine. Using either hand, close
    the right nostril and slowly exhale from the left
    nostril. Then inhale and switch nostrils, closing the
    left nostril and exhaling slowly form the right.
    Continue with this pattern: exhale, inhale, switch
    nostrils. Focus on lengthening the breath, especially
    the exhalations. Make the breath as slow and gentle
    as you can without straining.
    Continue for a few minutes, ending with an
    exhalation from the right nostril. Notice how you feel.

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august/september 2019

. BALASANA Child’s Pose
In a chair: Sit tall and widen your knees. Stand a bolster
on end between your knees and hold it in your hands.
Inhale and lengthen your spine; exhale, hinging forward
at the hips. Rest your forearms on your thighs, and your
forehead on the bolster. If you don’t have a bolster, you
can try practicing with a second chair in front of you, with
the seat facing you. Place a blanket or block on the seat
of the second chair, and as you hinge forward try to
place your forehead on it.

On a mat:Kneel on top of a folded blanket with your
toes coming off the edge of the blanket. Place another
blanket or a bolster behind your thighs and sit back
toward your feet. Widen your knees. Either place a
bolster in front of you between your legs or bring your
hands to the floor in front of you. Inhale and lengthen
your spine. Exhale and hinge forward at your hips.
Slowly lower your torso toward the floor, resting your
forehead on the bolster or the floor in front of you.

Take a few breaths, feeling gentle pressure at your
third eye centre.

Alternate Nostril Breathing
In a chair or on a mat: Come to a comfortable seated
position with a long spine. Using either hand, close
the right nostril and slowly exhale from the left
nostril. Then inhale and switch nostrils, closing the
left nostril and exhaling slowly form the right.
Continue with this pattern: exhale, inhale, switch
nostrils. Focus on lengthening the breath, especially
the exhalations. Make the breath as slow and gentle
as you can without straining.
Continue for a few minutes, ending with an
exhalation from the right nostril. Notice how you feel.
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