Australian Yoga Journal – August 2019

(WallPaper) #1

With such a strong focus on #selfcare, yogis may be missing the point

entirely. Jessica Humphries explores how we can find a balance between

this new trend, and the traditional philosophies of Self-Less-ness in an

increasingly disconnected world.



Self Care


august/september 2019

MY DAD ALWAYS SAID that the truth
makes hypocrites of us all. And yogis
are no exception. I discover new layers
of paradox every day as I immerse
myself in this world. Insta-famous
yogis flaunting their bikini clad
Naturajasanas. So-called “gurus”
sleeping their way through Wanderlust.
Studios aggressively competing against
one another. Teachers nit picking each
other’s cueing and sequences.


august/september 2019

MY DAD ALWAYS SAID that the truth
makes hypocrites of us all. And yogis
are no exception. I discover new layers
of paradox every day as I immerse
myself in this world. Insta-famous
yogis flaunting their bikini clad
Naturajasanas. So-called “gurus”
sleeping their way through Wanderlust.
Studios aggressively competing against
one another. Teachers nit picking each
other’s cueing and sequences.


august/september 2019
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