MaximumPC 2007 07

(Dariusz) #1

reviews Tes Ted. Reviewed. veRdic Tized

SYSmark2004 SE hasn’t worked in months.
We did run the new SYSmark2007 Preview
with no problems, and the Twister achieved
an overall score of 219. We also subjected
the Twister to our new quad-core torture
test, Prime 95, with only one issue. On one
of several overnight runs, the app reported
a data anomaly, but it didn’t crash or lock
up. On the Mach V, the Prime 95 test caused
a spontaneous reboot within minutes. Our

other multithreading tests also went without
a hitch. So we have more faith in this rig’s
long-term stability than in the stability of any
machine we’ve tested since the Polywell Poly
I680SLI-QX (March 2007), which sported a
stock-clocked quad core.
That leaves the Twister in a great spot.
It holds three Lab records and is much
cheaper than the Mach V—and it’s stable.
—Gordon Mah UnG

digital Storm even managed to pretty
up the unruly hard-drive area.

july 2007 MAXIMUMPC 67

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