Spider – April 2019

(Marcin) #1

ON APRIL FOOLS’morning, offer someone a delicious fried egg with a side
of French fries. This savory breakfast holds a sneaky surprise—it’s actually fruit
and yogurt!

Yolk-ing Around!

by Ima M. Poster
Art by Kevin Kelly

art © 2019 by Kevin Kelly

What You’ll Need:
vanilla yogurt
canned peach halves
peeled apple slices (ask an adult to peel
and cut for you, or use presliced apples)
plastic knife

What to Do:

  1. Scoop a few spoonfuls of yogurt onto the plate.
    With the spoon, spread yogurt out into a blob about
    the size of your hand.

  2. Drain the canned peaches. Take one peach half
    and place it cut-side down on the yogurt.

  3. With a plastic knife, cut apple slices
    into skinny, French fry-shaped pieces.
    Put the apple slices on the plate next
    to the fake egg.

Serve your “fried” breakfast with a
smile. Try not to laugh until after
your diners have taken a bite, and
don’t forget to say, “April Fools!”

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