Spider – April 2019

(Marcin) #1
Vivie got excited. Then, staring
at what her mom picked out for her,
she slumped. She did not like that
medicine-pink dress.
“I thought you could wear your
pink party dress!” Her mom called.
“No thaaanks!” Vivie sang back,
Her mom appeared in the door-
way. “Sweetie, you look like a dream
in that dress.” Her eyebrows were
disappointed. Vivie hated disappointed
eyebrows. But she hated the pink
dress more. She let her mouth slag
down at the edges.
“How about the blue velvet jumper?”
her mom asked.
“Pencil shavings stick to it,” Vivie
“Or that nice outfit Aunt Charisse
gave you? Aunt Charisse has such
good taste.”
“It looks like a turtle, and it itches!”
Vivie almost stomped her foot.
Her mom’s eyebrows shifted to
annoyed. “What about that adorable
skirt with the teddy bear on it?”

Vivie stared at her mom. Her
mom stared at Vivie.
Then Vivie said, rather loudly,
“I’ll pick my own outfit, thank you!”
Her mom sighed and went back
Vivie got to work. She whirled
around, surveying her room for
Last season the
Stinkbug's spirits really
slum d—sank.

Surv in —looking around—the stadium now,
everybuggy looks pretty happy. It's opening day. Give 'em time.
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