Spider – April 2019

(Marcin) #1

inspiration, grabbing whatever
twinkled, twirled, or made her face
curve into a smile.
WE’LL BE LATE!” her mom called
from the front door.
Vivie added a few finishing
touches and raced downstairs. She

could hardly wait to show off her
hard work.
As she made her entrance,
Vivie’s eyes sparkled. So did her
sequined sweater... and her Nona’s
old beads, which she decided to
wrap around her waist... and her
favorite leopard cat T-shirt. She wore
a blue tutu, new orange leggings, and
purple cowgirl boots from their
family trip to Rancho Yahoo Wild
West Village.
Her mother froze. She made a
tiny “ih” sound.
“What?” Vivie questioned. She
skipped to the door, ready to go
have that picture taken.
How Vivie could tell her mother
wasn’t happy was that the car was
mad-quiet. Why didn’t her mom like
what she picked out? Vivie didn’t
like feeling bad in her favorite
clothes. That made feeling bad
even worse.
Her mother sighed. “I just wanted
you to look nice for your school
¡Oye! Before the
game starts, I'm
gonna go buy a shirt
for mi madre—my

I want an
official hat!

I'm gonna get an
autograph. I'll take a bratwurst with onions!
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