Spider – April 2019

(Marcin) #1

“I think you look totally cool,”
the boy said. “Can I see your
decoder ring?” She showed it to
him. “Sweet!” he said. “Hey, after
pictures is recess. Want to play
cowboy detective?”
“And cowgirl dancer detective?”
Vivie offered, smearing a tear
“Yeah, cool. See ya after!” He
took off his cap. His hair was like a
shaggy dog. “I’m Harley.”
“Okay, Harley!” Vivie answered.

Vivie thought, my name sounds
pretty good over a loudspeaker.
She walked to the giant blue
screen without looking at any
fourth graders. She sat where she
was told to sit. She looked where
she was told to look. She smiled
when she was told to smile. But
she was thinking about cowgirls and
her Nona, popcorn on New Year’s
Eve and secret decoder rings...
and how good it was to be her.

You missed some playing time
last year, Mister Slug.

Your team is feeling
strong this season? We're feeling great. And
nobody wants to spend time
on the bench.
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