Scale Aviation Modeller International – March 2019

(WallPaper) #1
their undersides. A further issue
occurs when you come to join
the fuselage halves together.
The rivet detail on these
pieces is gorgeous and would
have been so much easier to
preserve, had Eduard supplied
the top section of the engine
cowling as a separate piece. As
it is, much of this detail is going
to disappear in the eradication
of an unnecessary seam. I
like my airscrews to rotate
and I was disappointed that
Eduard would have you glue

this large and signiicant item
in a static position. Another
preference is to show radiator
outlet laps open. Eduard have
moulded what is a another
very prominent part of the
Tempest’s distinctive outline
in its blandest setting - closed.
So, it was out with the razor saw
and plastic card to display this
area of the aircraft as it should
be. My inal thought concerns
the large number of ishplates
that are supplied as part of the
PE set – twenty-one little bits

of steel in fact, with no spare.
I appreciate that the moulds
will be used for later variants
and only early Tempests had
these reinforcements on
the tail, but what a pain!
It’s hardly the fault of
Eduard that all Tempests of
this period looked the same.
Every option on ofer requires
Medium Sea Grey undersides
with Dark Green/Ocean Grey
topsides. All sport a Sky tail
band and all except Beamont’s

aircraft have matching Sky
spinners. I wanted to do an
aircraft with invasion stripes
if only to experiment with
making them look ‘roughly
applied’ as suggested by
Eduard, so I went for aircraft
JN763 from No. 486 (RNZAF)
Squadron based at Newchurch
in June 1944 and tasked with
bringing down V1 Flying
Bombs launched from occupied




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