Scale Aviation Modeller International – March 2019

(WallPaper) #1

Europe. Once the airframe
was primed and pre-shaded,
I sprayed area of the invasion
stripes XF-2 Flat White. Taking
my cue from the painting guide
I then roughly cut some strips
of Tamiya tape to mask of the
white stripes. XF-85 Rubber
Black followed after which
I masked of the completed
stripes. The Sky band then
followed in XF-21 Sky, which
was then masked in its turn.
With about a third of the model
already covered in tape, inally I
could turn to some camoulage
and this began with a coat of
XF-83 Medium Sea Grey on
what was left of the underside.
This was masked and followed
by XF-54 Dark Sea Grey sprayed
freehand on the upper surfaces,
yet more masking with white
tack sausage and tape, and the
inal colour – XF-81 Dark Green.
After some initial
trepidation, the Cartograph
printed decals settled well
over and into every nuance of

the Tempest’s surface detail
without a hint of trauma.
The decal sheet is more than
comprehensive with codes and
roundels for the ive diferent
aircraft, along with suicient
stencils to keep anyone happy
for hours. There are 143 pairs of
little red dashes to be applied
on ‘all AMAL fastenings on the
wing and fuselage’, so while
I commend Eduard for their
attention to detail, I politely
declined. The remainder of the
stencils went on perfectly and
once this was done, they were
followed by my usual practice
of blending all decals into the
background with X-19 Smoke
and some Tamiya weathering
powders. The usual Matt
spray from a rattle can was
followed by the inal additions
to the airframe, these being
the undercarriage, aerials,
footrest, radiator lap, canopy
and inally that enormous
airscrew. I was unimpressed
by the exhausts supplied with

the kit, so I sourced some
lovely cast Brassin, but am I
wrong in thinking that such
things should be included
in a ProiPACK release?

This release from Eduard
caused great excitement
when announced, and we
all expected it to be up there
with the very best. So, does it
make the grade? It does...just.
If not for that hideous join
along the laps, I would have
awarded it 9/10. As it is... 7/10.
In every other area this model
has the Eduard air of quality;
the cockpit is exquisite, and
the surface detail is awesome

  • as long as you can avoid
    sanding it of. What cannot
    be denied is that it is every
    inch a Tempest – big, brutal
    and uncompromising, and it
    builds easily into an important
    addition to anyone’s collection
    of wartime RAF aircraft.

The box-art is a beautifully
realised study of Tempest
JN751 flown by W/Cdr
Beamont pulling away from a
V1 Flying Bomb




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