Scale Aviation Modeller International – March 2019

(WallPaper) #1

Fokker DVII (OAW)

First look at Eduard 1/72 Fokker DVII (OAW) 2019 Nuremberg Toy Fair Edition


must admit that I was
hoping that Eduard would
have in their booth at the
Nuremberg Toy Fair a test shot
of their all new 1/72 scale Fokker
DVII, what I wasn’t expecting
though, was that all those who
attended the Eduard press
conference on Friday afternoon
would receive a special bagged
kit of the all new Fokker! The kit
we received has no decals but
Blue Rider, Print scale and FCM
all have sheets available so I
have I have quite a few options.
This irst very limited release
of the DVII is for an example
built by OAW. Two fuselages
are supplied so you can build
either a mid or late production
version, the diference being
the number and position of
the cooling louvres on the
cowlings. We already knew that
Eduard are going to be releasing
multiple versions of the DVII
and this amply illustrated by the
inclusion on the four sprues of
no less than 8 propellers, 4 axle
wings, 9 radiators, 6 pairs of
wheels, 2 engines (Mercedes and
Austro Daimler) and four pairs

of diferent guns (Spandau with
and without cooling jackets,
Schwarzlose and Vickers).
The parts are laid out over
4 sprues, two of which A and B
will be in each version released
while C and D supply the
manufacturer speciic parts.
The detail is, as we have come to
expect from Eduard very good.
The cockpit features sidewall
detail and there is a rudder
bar control column and loor
mounted compass provided.
The seat features one of the best
representations of the pilot’s
seat cushion I have seen in this
scale. There are no seatbelts but
I am sure these will be supplied
in etched brass in the Proipack
along with a lot more goodies!
The engine features more
than enough detail for the scale
considering what can actually
be seen on the inished model!
The Spandau guns are very nice
and feature moulded cooling
slots, which will look great
after a quick rub with some
graphite dust after painting.
Don’t let the fact that this
kit is a biplane put you of,

the Fokker DVII is certainly
one of the easier biplanes to
build with its N solid struts
between the wings, especially
as the attachment points look
very positive. So assembling
the top wing really will not be
diicult! The undercarriage
is also designed for ease of
assembly, although Fokker can
claim some of the credit there!
All in all this looks to be
a super little kit to build and
with its minimal rigging and
multitude of very colourful
schemes, this is a kit that I
can see will run and run.

The last new tool Fokker DVII in
1/72 scale was the Roden kit from
at least 15 years ago, whilst not a
bad kit it was quite iddly as the
cowlings were separate parts to
allow all the diferent versions to
be built. The Roden kit replaced
the 1960s vintage Revell kit,
which is still readily available
and again isn’t a bad kit, but a
brand new state of the art DVII
was long overdue in my book and

Eduard have obliged with a lovely
looking kit, which I am really
looking forward to building!
My thanks to Eduard for
making this early pressing
of the kit available at the
2019 Nuremberg Toy three
months before it’s European
release date in May.

On page 57 you will find
details of how you can
win one of the 50 pieces
produced for the Toy fair
making this one of the most
desirable Limited Edition kit
to build or collect.




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