Scale Aviation Modeller International – March 2019

(WallPaper) #1

Learjet 35A

First look at Stransky Gates Learjet 35A Scale 1/144


ver its 21 year production
life 736 Learjet 35s were
produced and found a
ready market with both civilian
and military operators. As
the type has carried a number
of very attractive schemes
so Czech Manufacturer
Stransky has released 4
boxings each of which contains
both military and civilian
options all based around a
common set of runners.
Moulded in white plastic
the kit features petite recessed
details with the cockpit
windshield mounded in clear
plastic with decals for the
cabin windows. Though the
manufacturer has moulded

semi recessed windows on
the inside of the fuselage
with alternative clear
parts. There are a number
of parts marked not for use
including the early engines
of the 35 and the radome and
extended wing tanks of the
Japanese air Force U-36.
The boxing we received kit
number STR1401 is marked
as a Learjet 35 it is actually an
upgraded 35A and includes
three attractive markings.

  • Gates Learjet 35A, T-781,
    Swiss Air Force. White
    fuselage with a red tail with
    a white cross and red trim.

  • Gates Learjet 35A, D-CCAA,
    DRF Lufettung. Red forward
    and upper fuselage with a
    white rear section and tail.

  • Gates Learjet35A, N545PA,
    Phoenix Air. This aircraft is
    used a missile simulator and
    is painted overall grey with
    dark grey tiger stripes and
    also features a shark mouth.
    This aircraft also carries a
    number of aerials which you

will have to reproduce which
is quite an easy task in this
scale. And you may want to
add a missile and ECM pod to
the supplied pylons though
these are often not carried.

This looks like it will be a
simple build helped by the good
quality decal sheet though
I do wish Stransky had also
included the tiger stripes
for the Phoenix Air option
though there are plenty of
photos online so you can work
out the exact pattern on the
undersides of the fuselage
and around the tip tanks.
A nice touch is that printed
on the bottom of the box is a
small section of hard standing
on which you can display
your completed model.
I really hope we will see
the other boxings of this kit
in the UK and coming next
from this manufacturer will
be a 1/144 scale Mil-2 Hoplite
in both military and civilian
operators boxing which in
this scale will be tiny.
Our thanks to the
manufacturer for supplying the
review sample, which can be
purchased from them directly
at w w w.stransk y-k



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