Scale Aviation Modeller International – March 2019

(WallPaper) #1

Heinkel He 111 H-6

by Jon Howes

SCALE: 1/72
TYPE: Re-issue of 2016 kit with parts for
H-6 version


irix irst released this
kit as the P-1 version
in 2016, and was a
fantastic kit, which I have had
the pleasure of building before,
so I knew what to expect. In
this boxing, we see the same
basic kit, but with additional
parts included to build the
H-6 version, adding diferent
engines and weapons. Three
decal options include two
German aircraft, the irst
being the box art version of
splinter camoulage over black,
while the second features a
desert scheme of RLM 79 over
RLM 78. The third version is
an example operated by the
Royal Romanian Air Force
version, in standard German
split camoulage over RLM 65,
with Romanian markings. The
construction of the kit is very
simple and starts with building
the interior of the aircraft. The
side walls come in separate

parts, as the bomb bay is not
used on this particular version.
The cabin area of the aircraft
is made up of two parts, which
also work as wing spars for
when the wings are attached
later in the build. Once these
are in place, you are ready to
close the two fuselage halves;
before this was done, however,
the interior was given a good
spray of RLM Grey. Once dry,
the fuselage was closed. The
underside of the fuselage and
the undercarriage (constructed
from ive parts on each side)
is also attached at this stage.
With this kit, the cockpit is
constructed after the fuselage
has been closed and is simply
attached to the bulkhead at
the front of the fuselage. Like
the fuselage, the cockpit is
very straightforward, made up
from a dozen parts – cockpit
loor, seats, and control stick.
The kit includes two pilots,
but you will have to source
the rest of the He-111 crew
from the aftermarket.
The cockpit was painted the
same RLM Grey as the fuselage,
and detail was picked out on

the seats and control stick.
There is photo-etch available
to spice up this area, but for
this review I decided to build
mine straight out the box, with
no additions. The next stage
of construction is to attach
the wings, comprised of an
upper and lower half on each
side (standard for an aircraft
like this), to the aircraft. The
laps and control surfaces are
separate parts, so you can
add a little animation to your
model by positioning them
slightly delected. The tail
assembly is next, with the
separate rudder attached to
the tail, and the horizontal
stabilisers (again with separate
elevators) attached to the

fuselage. At this stage, most
of the basic air frame has been
constructed. The engines are
next, and care is required to get
the right it. There is no colour
callout for the radiators, which
need painting at this stage. (I
would recommend aluminium
followed by a dark wash to
pick out the details. Ed.). Once
each engine is built, they are
attached to the bulkheads on
each wing. Unfortunately,
this is the worst area of it on
the kit, and a little iller was
required around the joints. 
The next stage was to add
all those clear parts to the nose
of the aircraft, which gives
the He-111 its famously unique
look. I used an Eduard set of



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