Master Game
Bar and DVR
your desktop with the built-in
screenrecorderin Windows10”
aking a static screenshot in
Windows 10 is incredibly
easy: just press the [Prt Sc]
(PrintScreen) key, and whatever you
seeonyour screen will be copied to
theclipboard ready for you to paste
into an image-editing program. To do
something more advanced, you can
turn to Windows 10’s Snipping Tool,
which lets you do things like just
capturing an area of your desktop.
But what about if you want to record
the action happening on your screen?
What if you want to make a video of
what you see on your desktop?
While you could turn to a third-
party app, you might be surprised to
learn that Windows 10 has its own
video capture tool built in. Part of
the Game Bar component, the screen
recorder is really designed for gamers
looking to capture videos of their
gameplay, but there’s nothing to stop
you from using it for other purposes
if youwant.Here’showtogetstarted.
1 Accessing the Game Bar
If you are not a gamer, you may never have investigated the
Xbox and gaming-related aspects of Windows 10 – but this is
where to go if you want to start recording videos for free. If you
take a browse through the Start menu, you will find – or can
search for – Game Bar. To access the tool quickly, you can also
use a keyboard shortcut: just press [Win] + [G] at the same time.
2 Configure Game Bar settings
Now you know where the Game Bar is, you might want to
jump in and start recording straight away. It’s worth spending a
little time configuring a few options first, though. Go to Start >
Settings > Gaming to go to the Game Bar section. You should
start by ensuring that the ‘Record game clips, screenshots and
broadcast using Game Bar’ toggle is enabled.
Step-by-step Record your on-screen activities
The Game Bar can
be personalised in
a number of ways
- you can even
change the default
keyboard shortcuts.
Go here to change
where your video
captures are saved,
and make changes
to settings such as
audio quality.
Trickyin parts
Windows 10
At a glance
Skill level...
Suitable for...
32 |^ |^ May 2019