48 | | May 2019
Find out if your accounts have been hacked, and what you
should do about it, with Nick Peers
f there’s one thing guaranteed to
bring you out in a cold sweat, it’s the
thought of being hacked. Over the
years we’ve armed you with all the
tools you need to protect your PC
against viruses, hackers, and other
formsofmalware, but it’s an ever-evolving battle.
Thesedays,most threats are behavioural – they rely
onscammerscatching you out with emails harbouring
maliciousattachments and links to fake websites.
Evenif you’re wise to all this, there’s one massive
weaklink:online accounts. Many of us have signed up
fordozensofaccounts, and secured them with short,
memorable,and often reused passwords that are easy
tohack.Worse still, even if you’ve not personally given
up your password, chances are at least one online
service you use has been hacked, exposing your
data to the so-called dark web.
Don’t believe us? In January, the Have I Been
Pwned website released Collection 1, a compilation
of over 770 million compromised online accounts,
including login details and passwords. The site offers
a search tool that lets you see if you’re on the list.
And unless you’re very lucky or barely use online
services, you’re almost certainly going to appear.
Don’t panic. In this feature, we reveal everything
what to do if you are, and how to lock down your
accounts with free tools and online savvy. Let’s
get a move on.
48 |^ |^ May 2019