3 Philips Somneo
£149, philips.co.uk
This feature-packed light has a light that starts off red and then
turns to orange and then ends with bright yellow light, which is a
gentler waking experience than a light that just goes through
levels of white/yellow. It also has a night-time mode, where it dims
over time and plays noises. You can play nature sounds or FM
radio alongside the light to wake up. The touch display makes it
easy to set up and adjust, the display brightness adjusts
automatically to your room’s light (though you can adjust it
manually) and a nice touch is that if you get up in the middle of
the night you can tap the top of the lamp and it emits a very
gentle red glow. The design might split opinion: Philips describes
it as “sleek and stylish”; you may disagree.
4 Beurer WL 90
£130, beurer.com/web/gb
Though the WL 90 is perfectly functional,it justannoyedusin too
many ways. You can set three alarmtimesonit, buttheonlyway
to turn off the alarm is to reach aroundthebacktothetiny
buttons. To snooze it, you have to basicallyslapitssidetovibrate
it. This is also how you turn the lamponandoff.It’snotdignified.
The wake-up light’s brightness is middling,andit dimsshortly
after the alarm, so if you snooze youendupbackin thedark.The
mood lighting brightness is too dimtobeuseful.Thesound
quality is fine, and Bluetooth playbackis nicetohave.Theappis
fiddly, though works fine, but whenyouopenit andconnectto
the lamp, the lamp beeps – not greatif you’remakinga tweak
while someone else is sleeping.
n a darkroom,wakingup
toa buzzingalarmisn’t
These lamps all have wake-up lights,
but many also pack in speakers and
some other tech to make them
handy as bedside helpers.
However, before we start, if it’s
just a light you want, that you might
pair with your phone alarm, we
Night (£27,uk.lifx.com), whichyou
can put inanylampdesignyoulike
(it has screworbayonetoptions).It
talks directlytoyourphone(nohub
required) andhassettingsfor
bedtime aswellasmorning.
May 2019 | |^87
Wake-up lights