MaximumPC 2007 09

(Dariusz) #1

D R E A M M A C H I N E 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 7


The whole is greater than the sum of its parts

—but, boy, is each part purty

All Together Now!

The Cosmos comes with a cover for the top of the
case, which when removed gives you space to mount
a radiator. If that doesn’t appeal to your aesthetic
sensibilities, you can do what we did for the Dream
Machine—mount the radiator inside the case and
have the fans suck air through the cover’s air intakes.

Our Dream Machine demands moni-
tors that can meet the challenges of any
content—be it an action-packed game,
a highly nuanced digital photo, or a
movie disc strapped with HDCP. Dell’s
2707WFPs do that and then some.

While we went
old school
with a classic
black Keytronic
keyboard, we
plugged the
very newest
gaming mouse
into this year’s
Dream Machine.
The latest rev to
Logitech’s G5
retains the kick-
ass adjustable
sensitivity and
weight system
and adds a
second thumb
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