MaximumPC 2007 09

(Dariusz) #1

Our 10 test subjects range in age from 23 to 56. Seven
of the 10 are male. Eight are editors by trade; two are art
directors. Four participants have musical backgrounds
(defi ned as having played an instrument and/or sung in a
band). We asked each participant to provide us with a CD
containing a track they felt intimately familiar with. We were
hoping participants would choose a diverse collection of
music, and they did: Classical, jazz, electronica, alternative,
straight-ahead rock, and pop were all represented. (See the
chart on page 52 for song specifi cs.)

We used iTunes to rip the tracks from a source CD (once at
128Kb/s and again at 256Kb/s) and copied them to a fi fth-
generation 30GB iPod. We asked each participant to listen
with the Apple buds fi rst and to choose between Track A
and Track B or express no preference. We then tested using
the SE420s and asked the participant to choose between
Track C and Track D or express no preference. The tests
were administered double blind, meaning that neither the
test subject nor the person conducting the test knew which
tracks were encoded at which bitrates.


We originally posted this story on MaximumPC.
com. We added some new information for this
print edition, including an examination of the

personal-identity information Apple includes in
DRM-free iTunes tracks, as well as looks at sev-
eral other sites that offer DRM-free music.
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