The Shed – September-October 2019

(singke) #1

Draw out the handle
“Most things start with drawing out.
That’s the boring part,” he says.

  1. Mark the blank about halfway where
    the handle will meet the blade at the
    knife shoulder. “I know not to go past
    that mark so I have enough material
    for the blade,” Josh notes.

  2. To draw out the handle piece take
    about half of the blank — if you want
    a normal 110mm handle — bring it
    out to 270–280mm long. If you want
    a shorter handle you won’t need
    that much.

  3. Heat it up to just past red but once
    the metal becomes thinner during the
    drawing-out process, ease off a bit on
    the heat, otherwise you will melt it
    and it will just be gone. This is pretty
    much an even taper. When you heat
    the blade, as it gets thinner, watch it
    in the forge so that it doesn’t melt.
    4. When the blank is red-hot, take it
    out with tongs, place it on the anvil,
    and hammer the handle area evenly,
    turning it, and drawing it out along
    the length to a taper.
    5. Repeat the heating and hammering
    process until the handle taper is
    about 280mm long.
    6. The place where the tang meets the
    beginning of the blade should be
    thicker and square-ish.

Form the twist

  1. Heat the handle section to red-hot.
    Place the part that will be the blade
    in the vice. Using the wrench, about
    halfway (40mm) from the end of the
    blade, twist the tang 360 degrees
    then make sure the handle lines up
    along the whole length of the stock.
    “On the top of the handle where the
    palm of your hand would be, the twist
    makes for a secure grip,” Josh says.
    Descale the metal as you go by brushing
    with a wire brush. It’s important to clean
    the scale off and not hammer it in, as it
    is hard to remove later. f

While new steel may
be dearer than scrap
metal, it is much more
predictable in terms of
quality and how it will
behave when heat treated

Left: Cranking up the forge
Right: Removing the corner
with the hammer and rounding
the tip
Below: Placing the knife in the
vice and preparing to twist

Twisting with the wrench
to make the grip
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