Elle India – July 2019

(Joyce) #1




MAY 23 - JUN 21
Some things are an acquired taste. When
you first try them, you don’t like them; but
then you try again and you find yourself
enjoying the experience. The same thing
applies to a relationship. When you first
met, you weren’t ready for each other.
Even now, you are wary of getting too
close, but the fascination is there. You’ll
both be back for another taste.

APR 22 - MAY 22
Should we live for the moment or save
for the future? Such philosophical
discussions are unusual for you: perhaps
you have fallen in love with something
outside your means, and you are trying
to tell yourself that it is an investment
rather than just indulgence. Intellectual
argument is useless in emotional
choices. The simple answer, as you
already know, is that it if feels good, do it.

SEP 23 - OCT 22
A furious dispute with someone you
are usually very close to may seem
impossible to resolve, but you are much
nearer to making peace than you think.
If you look, you will see that you are in
complete agreement over the principles
you both hold dear. It is only in the details
that you disagree. The solution is simply
to relax the rules a little. What you do, and
why, matters more than how you do it.

OCT 23 - NOV 22
You are very close to achieving what you
always wanted, so why are you having
last-minute doubts? Maybe you are
thinking of how far up the mountain you
are, and what a long way it is back down,
instead of looking upwards to the top and
seeing how close it is. Don’t you think you
deserve to be where you are? Of course
you do. Put doubts to one side, press on,
and claim your prize.

NOV 23 - DEC 23
Here come a few days of total
overindulgence in the company of
someone you care for very much.
Ordinarily, you would keep each other
from going too far. But not this time..
When you return to normal life, you say
nothing about what you did, neither to
each other nor to anyone else. But both
of you will never forget it.

DEC 24 – JAN 20
The path you have been following
suddenly leads to a fork in the road. You
had a feeling it would come down to life
making you pick, as opposed to choosing
for you. You go one way, assuming it is
the direction you want to, only to discover
it is a dead end. Strangely, this solves
your problem: take the other road. Fate
sometimes has surprises in store for us.

JAN 21 - FEB 18
Have you ever skipped to the last few
pages of a book despite being a long
way from the end, just to see how it
ends? You know that you shouldn’t, but it’s
tempting and can be quite reassuring. So
it is now, as you are given an unexpected
glimpse of how your present situation
might be a year from now. You are
surprised, but hugely encouraged too.
It’s exactly the boost you need.

FEB 19 - MAR 20
Dreams are wonderful things to play
with as they contain the things you want
most. Reality is in many ways much less
attractive because once something
has happened, it can’t be changed.
When one of your long-term hopes
now becomes unexpectedly real, you
may discover it’s not at all what you had
imagined. The question is, what are you
willing to do about it?

JUL 23 - AUG 23
You have probably gone as far as you
can in your present situation, so it’s time
to find something new. But to simply walk
out—without any real idea of where you
are headed next and abandoning all
that you have managed to achieve until
now—would not a be a smart move.
Instead, think of ways to step across or
up to somewhere better without having
to step down first.

AUG 24 - SEP 22
Is disappointment or failure ever a good
thing? Sometimes, yes. What you are
about to get involved in is wild, exciting,
and if you’re honest, more than you can
probably handle. But then suddenly it’s
over. Afterwards, you realise you should
have done some things differently and
that’s fine. Think of the whole experience
as an experiment or a rehearsal for how
you really want it to be.

JUN 22 - JUL 22
Life is a journey, and as we travel we
begin to see things from different
perspectives. This prompts change, at
least in theory. In reality, we tend to move
only when external events force us to.
What happens in the next few weeks
may be unexpected, but in the long
run it will be to your benefit, so welcome
it rather than resist it.

MAR 21 - APR 21
There are times when it’s good to fight for
what you believe in, but there are others
when you simply can’t win. Now, you
have to ask yourself whether it’s better to
go down a hero or step back and wait
until your own position is stronger. Pick the
second one. It is the only sensible choice,
at least until the second half of July, when
you can reassess the situation and fortify
your case.

Illustration: Poonam Thanki/Thanki Scribbles
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