Meet Manali Datar,
who plays the fiery Rose
Granger- Weasley in
the Australian rendition
of Harry Potter And The
Cursed Child
wenty-one-year-old Manali
Datar is living the Gen Z
dream. The BFA Music
Theatre graduate from
Victorian College of the Arts
(VCA), who was born in Pune and
spent her childhood there before
moving to Australia, is currently
essaying the role of Rose Granger-
Weasley in the Australian stage
version of the most exciting theatrical
spectacle of the decade—Harry
Potter And The Cursed Child. After
London and New York, Melbourne
is only the third city where fans can
catch the show. And ever since it
opened this past February, muggles
have thronged the Princess Theatre
to watch the two-part
extravaganza that
features mesmerising,
live on-stage magic that
ranges from recreating
the Hogwarts Express
to depicting a jaw-
dropping scene in the
Great Lake, all before
your eyes. After being
among a lucky few to
watch the play, ELLE
spoke with Datar
about her stereotype-
busting role and her
undying love for the
performing arts:
ELLE: Give us a glimpse into
your childhood.
Manali Datar: My parents encouraged
my love for music, art and acting.
I was always singing and dancing,
copying accents and dialogue off TV
shows and movies, and performing
anywhere I could find an audience.
Getting into VCA, however, was the
catalyst that pushed me to see my
passions as a real career.
ELLE: How did you land the role?
MD: I auditioned in 2017 and was
called back four times to read scenes
for Rose, only to finally learn that
I got the part the day before my
twentieth birthday.
ELLE: What do you love about Rose?
MD: She’s feisty, ambitious, and
witty—so much like Hermione
was as a young woman. In her, I
see myself and every other young
woman of colour who is venturing
out into life, attempting to trust in
her curiosity, her knowledge, and
her strength to change the world.
ELLE: Casting non-white actors as
Hermione and Rose in the stage versions
created a stir, despite JK Rowling
tweeting that she never technically
said Hermione was white. What’s your
advice for POC actors?
MD: Your voice is your most powerful
asset. You deserve to tell stories
and have your story told. You bring
a unique, lived experience to the
table. Don’t shy away from your
identity and never forget where you
came from.
ELLE: What’s your
favourite spell?
MD: “Accio!” I’m always
hungry. Imagine being
able to summon snacks.
I’m mad with power at
the very thought.
ELLE: Pick a Deathly
MD: The Invisibility
Cloak for when I want
to people-watch or read
in peace.
Harry Potter And
The Cursed Child is
running through
March 2020.
Singapore Airlines
flies from Mumbai
to Melbourne
via Singapore.
Take the
Manali Datar
Photographs: Damian Bennett (Manali Datar), Matt Murphy
From left: Sean Rees-Wemyss (Albus Potter),
Manali Datar (Rose Granger-Weasley) and
William McKenna (Scorpius Malfoy)