MaximumPC 2007 112

(Dariusz) #1

reviews Tes Ted. Reviewed. veRdic Tized

78 MAXIMUMPC december 2007


ho doesn’t love a healthy dose of
1,000GB in a single storage medi-
um? We sure do, but even more
than that, we love competition. The first tera-
byte drives from Western Digital and Seagate
arrived in our Lab within days of each other,
and we immediately set out to see if either
one could unseat the current terabyte king:
Hitachi’s 7K1000. Read on to discover what
happens when the cutthroat world of extreme
storage meets the cutthroat testing of the
Maximum PC Lab.

We’ve been waiting with bated breath for
Western Digital’s entrance into the world of
the almighty terabyte. Its Caviar GP drive
may have lost the right to stand at the top
of the market and yell, “Firsties!” but it is the
only terabyte drive built with energy-savings
in mind.
The four-platter drive features a num-
ber of functions that aim to reduce the
drive’s total power consumption: The drive
modulates its rotational speeds between
5,400rpm and 7,200rpm, unloads the heads
when the drive is idle, and smooths out the
normally jittery motions of the actuator in an
attempt to minimize wasted juice.

It sounded like junk science to us too, until
we compared the power-consumption lev-
els of a Caviar GP–based rig to those of an
identical setup that uses Hitachi’s 7K1000.
A power analyzer confirmed that our Caviar
GP rig drew from 7 to 10 fewer watts on
average. For a computer that runs at idle all
day long, that translates to about 61.32 kilo-
watt-hours per year. Assuming you’re paying
roughly 10 cents per kilowatt hour, a Caviar
GP could save you about $6 a year—just
enough for a feast at Taco Bell.
The Caviar GP holds its own perfor-
mance-wise. As expected, though, the
drive’s emphasis on power-saving costs it a
little bit in the speed department. Although
improved areal density over Hitachi’s
7K1000 helps bridge the gap between the
two drives, the Caviar GP still falls short of
the 7K1000’s impressive read speeds. Of
the three terabyte drives we’ve tested, the
Caviar GP is the slowest by far.

With new teams entering the terabyte
storage market, it was only a matter of time
before one smacked down the great Hitachi
7K1000 1TB drive. That distinction goes to
Seagate’s 1TB Barracuda 7200.11 drive.
The Barracuda and Western Digital’s

Caviar GP are virtually identical in terms
of features: same 32MB cache, same
7,200rpm rotation speed, same 512 bytes
per sector. The Barracuda and Caviar GP
drives also use four platters (250GB apiece)
to hit their 1TB capacities, unlike Hitachi’s
7K1000, which uses five platters. This dif-
ference in areal density proves to be a fatal
flaw for Hitachi’s drive, and the Caviar GP’s
speeds are constrained by its focus on
energy savings.
The result? Seagate’s 7200.11 terabyte
drive is the fastest we’ve yet tested in the
Lab, hands down. It doesn’t come with
any additional features—no encryption, no
power-savings, no backup—just speed.
Although we’d welcome the others, speed is
our primary concern.

Showdown at the

Terabyte Corral

Western Digital and Seagate join the fray, and they’re packin’!

Unconstrained by power-saving tech-
niques, seagate’s Barracuda delivers
speed, speed, and more speed—but no
extra features!

Western Digital hopes DIYers are will-
ing to sacrifice a little speed to save
the environment—and some cash.


wd digital caviar gp

sAVe tHe WHAles
You save electricity with
this drive, which makes you
feel like an environmentally
conscious all-star.
sHAVe tHe WHAles


You really aren’t saving that
much energy, and you’re sacrificing
quite a bit of speed.


seagate barracuda 7200.11

fRI joles
You’re staring at the fast-
est terabyte drive on the
The Barracuda’s burst speeds
aren’t quite on par with Western Digital’s.
That’s a minor detail, but a detail nonetheless.

gP 7200.11 7k1000

Best scores are bolded. All benchmarks taken using HD Tach Power Consumption


Burst (MB/s) 214.4 131.3 206.9
randoM access (Ms) 14.9 12.7 13.1
average read (MB/s) 66 86.6 72.7

Idle (w) 144 151
Burst (w) 147 152
randoM access (w) 149 160
average read (w) 159 166

gP 7k1000

Best scores are bolded. All voltage measurements taken using an Extech Power Analyzer.

power ConsUMPtIon
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