The Economist UK - 21.09.2019

(Joyce) #1

20 The EconomistSeptember 21st 2019

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Repairing capitalism
Your leader and briefing on
“What companies are for”
(August 24th) were among the
most important I have read in
The Economist. We live in
strange times, when
innovations are expanding
potential gdphugely, and, at
the same time, fuelling
conflict, disenchantment and
the marginalisation of many.
We saw similar changes during
the Industrial Revolution. We
came out of that era just fine,
not just because of reformers
like Robert Peel and Robert
Owen, but also because of
original thinkers who changed
our very understanding of
capitalism. The Industrial
Revolution coincided with the
biggest breakthroughs in
economics, from Adam Smith’s
seminal book in 1776, through
the works of Augustin Cournot,
Karl Marx and John Stuart Mill,
to Léon Walras.
The complexity of your
cover story’s prescriptions is a
reminder that we are at a
turning point in history, where
we need novel reforms. The
solution is not going to be easy.
Economics needs creativity of
the kind seen 200 years ago.
professor kaushik basu
Former chief economist at the
World Bank
Ithaca, New York

The stirring among some
billionaire chief executives at
the Business Roundtable who
want to redefine the purpose of
a company beyond maximis-
ing shareholder value is not
unprecedented. In the
mid-19th century it was a given
that employers operated with a
legal if not moral obligation to
consider the well-being of
their employees as well as their
neighbours and customers.
That idea faded almost entirely
in America by the early 20th
century, but was revived a bit
in the 1960s. So the current
thinking is rather a sad repeat
of the attention given in the
1970s in the media and some
business schools and think-
tanks to what companies owe
to the rest of American society
beside their own profitability.
Milton Friedman was inspired

to protest against that think-
ing, arguing that companies
have only one priority, namely
to maximise the earnings of
shareholders. The business-
responsibility idea soon faded
after it became amply clear that
the whole thing was little more
than a public-relations gesture
at a time of considerable social
and economic agitation.
The real problem is that so
many public goods, such as
education, the arts and philan-
thropy, are already dependent
on private billionaires and
their sometimes benign but
sometimes sleazy foundations.
But why should we invite
corporate billionaires to con-
trol which social and economic
problems deserve attention, to
say nothing about how those
problems might be treated? In
fact, corporate boards and ceos
already exercise outsize influ-
ence on the political process,
policymaking and government
administration at every level.
Maybe Friedman was right:
companies have only one
legitimate priority. Maybe it is
time to let others have a fair
chance to influence policy.
richard abrams
Emeritus professor of history
University of California,

John Maynard Keynes wrestled
with these questions in the
“The End of Laissez-Faire”,
published in 1926. He conclud-
ed then that: “Our problem is to
work out a social organisation
which shall be as efficient as
possible without offending our
notions of a satisfactory life.”
robert ober
Litchfield, Connecticut

The Business Roundtable’s
commitment to other stake-
holders as well as shareholders
has long been fundamental to
its policy. Its new statement is
an affirmation of this de facto
record rather than a response
to an environmental and social
governance fad. My own expe-
rience involved a bold initia-
tive by the Roundtable with
civil-rights and women’s-
rights leaders on some major
legislation. The rationale for
breaking away from the rest of
the business community was

both that its member compa-
nies were already committed
to responsible policies on race
and gender and that this was
where the entire business
community needed to be.
katherine hagen
Former vice-president for
government affairs at at&t
Grasse, France

The dilemma for some compa-
nies about whether to pursue
shareholder value alone is
illustrated by Cathay Pacific.
Should it kowtow to the
demands of the Chinese
government and sack staff who
participate in the protests in
Hong Kong, or should it meet
its responsibilities to its em-
ployees and society? Cathay is
in a tricky situation but ulti-
mately must respect the rights
of its workers. Companies do
not need to become vanguards
of democracy and do-goodery,
but they should ensure that
staff, communities and cus-
tomers are not harmed as a
result of their pursuit of profit.
katryn wright

A crucial argument against
corporate do-gooding is con-
flict of interest. Should we
allow companies, rather than
governments, to set corporate
behavioural norms? Firms
have a strong incentive to
avoid rules that go against the
interests of shareholders or
managers. For example, would
a company benefiting from a
monopoly promote strong
competition? Democratic
governments are accountable
to their citizens and suffer no
such conflict of interest. They
are better placed to set rules on
their people’s behalf.
richard williamson
Ely, Cambridgeshire

You ignored the law. A
company’s directors and
officers have a fiduciary duty to
look out for the best interests
of the corporation and its
shareholders. Often, this fidu-
ciary obligation is compatible
with respecting other stake-
holders’ interests, because
looking out for all stakeholders
helps move everyone towards
long-term business success.

But if there ever is a conflict the
interests of the company and
its shareholders will override
the interests of others.
dana shultz
Piedmont, California

The clearest arguments in
support of shareholders’
interests were handed down by
the Michigan Supreme Court
100 years ago in Dodge v Ford
Motor Company. In that case
Henry Ford (who could hardly
be accused of an agency
problem) claimed that his
company was organised “to do
as much good as we can,
everywhere, for everybody
concerned” and only
“incidentally to make money”.
The court disagreed. Citing
Ford’s testimony, it ruled the
corporation could make “an
incidental humanitarian
expenditure of corporate
funds”, but it could not commit
to “a general purpose and plan
to benefit mankind at the
expense” of shareholders.
a.s. ilkson
Woodstock, New York

Shareholder primacy is anti-
scientific, wrong, immoral
(not just amoral) and very
damaging. Oh, and really bad
business. Those who repro-
duce the propaganda of this
parasitic variety of capitalism
that has been dominant for the
past 30 years are part of the
problem, not the solution.
joren de wachter

The question of what the
proper purpose of a company
should be has bedevilled think-
ers ever since its modern in-
ception. Edward Thurlow, a
British lord chancellor in the
late 18th century, observed
that: “Corporations have nei-
ther bodies to be punished, nor
souls to be condemned; they
therefore do as they like.”
christine sayers
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