The EconomistSeptember 21st 2019 Asia 65
failed,toshoottokill.Butsomehow,a few
soldiersdefendingSouth Koreafromits
swinefever,a diseaseknowntohavebeen
confirmedthatfivepigsona farminPaju,
Thegovernmentimmediatelyissueda 48-
hourbanonmovingpigs and saidthat
eda secondcaseina neighbouringcounty.
Authorities are still investigating what
to be affected by the disease, which is
pigsandforwhichthereisneithera cure
nora vaccine.Sincethefirstcasewasre-
portedinChinaa littleovera yearago,it
Myanmarand earlier this monthto the
eek “harmonybut not sameness”, ad-
vised the Chinese philosopher Confu-
cius 2,500 years ago. Neither quality was on
display when Chinese nationalists violent-
ly disrupted a rally at the University of
Queensland in July in support of anti-gov-
ernment demonstrators in Hong Kong.
Since then Drew Pavlou, one of the organis-
ers of the sympathy rally, says he has re-
ceived a litany of threats from Chinese pa-
triots. The passport details of another
participant in the rally, who is from the
Chinese mainland, have been disseminat-
ed on social media. A third says authorities
in China visited his family there, to warn
them of the consequences of dissent.
Mr Pavlou claims his university has
since tried to squelch protests that might
upset China, a charge it firmly denies. It is
one of 13 campuses in Australia to host a
Confucius Institute, a language school and
cultural centre funded by the Chinese gov-
ernment. Some students worry about the
university’s cosy ties with China. Peter Hoj,
its vice-chancellor, has worked as a consul-
tant to the Chinese state agency responsi-
ble for Confucius Institutes. Recently he
quietly made a Chinese diplomat, Xu Jie, a
visiting professor. Many Australians were
outraged when Mr Xu praised the “sponta-
neous patriotic behaviour” of the Chinese
students who instigated the scuffle.
Other Australians are dazzled by the
money to be made teaching Chinese stu-
dents. Relative to the size of its population,
Australia now hosts more international
students than any other country. Just over a
third of them—around 150,000—come
from China. In the universities most eager
to woo them, Chinese students now fill
about a quarter of all places, says Salvatore
Babones of the University of Sydney. This
has turned tertiary education into Austra-
lia’s third-biggest export, enabling admin-
istrators to pump cash into new facilities
and research. But the conservative co-
alition government seems increasingly
worried about the implications for free
speech and security.
Lecturers gripe about complaints from
Chinese students who bristle at criticism
of their government. Some have apolo-
gised publicly for supposedly hurting stu-
dents’ feelings; one was suspended in 2017
after he claimed that ordinary Chinese be-
lieve that government officials only ever
speak the truth by accident.
Last year Victoria University cancelled a
screening of a film criticising Confucius
Institutes after Chinese diplomats ex-
pressed misgivings about the event. Some
academics complain that administrators
have encouraged them to keep awkward
opinions to themselves. One grumbles that
his “freedom of speech was egregiously
compromised” when a panel discussion on
Chinese politics was suddenly cancelled
ahead of a Chinese state visit to Australia.
Students police each other as well as
their teachers. Officially Chinese Students
and Scholars Associations, which are
backed by the Chinese state, run social
events and help newcomers. But they are
also assumed to snitch on dissenters, leav-
ing many Chinese students afraid to speak
their minds.
By courting controversy, these organi-
sations may have done more harm than
good to China’s interests, says Mark Harri-
son, a Chinese-studies lecturer at the Uni-
versity of Tasmania. So have the Confucius
Institutes, which are accused of stifling ac-
ademic freedom by discouraging students
from discussing sensitive topics. It is
“completely inappropriate for universities
to host what amount to arms of the Chinese
Communist Party on their campuses”, ar-
gues Kevin Carrico of Monash University.
Universities don’t think they need to
register the institutes under a new law that
requires agents of foreign governments at-
tempting to influence politics to declare
themselves. The attorney-general’s office
is mulling whether they should. A separate
government taskforce is investigating
whether universities are doing enough to
prevent sensitive research from reaching
foreign governments. The Australian Stra-
tegic Policy Institute (aspi), a think-tank,
reckons 300-odd scientists tied to China’s
armed forces have visited Australia since
2007, studying subjects such as quantum
physics and navigation technology. In one
“particularly worrying” case, a professor at
the University of New South Wales worked
with a Chinese general to develop super-
computers used in nuclear-weapons tests,
notes Alex Joske of aspi.
Australian universities say they are
working with the government to “safe-
guard security” without “undermining the
invaluable asset of global collaboration”.
But few seem keen to reduce their depen-
dency on a continuing influx of Chinese
students. This amounts to a “crisis of lead-
ership”, a conservative senator recently as-
serted. If universities do not change their
tack, says Mr Harrison, “they may find that
federal agencies do it for them.” 7
Universities are accused of sacrificing
freedom of expression for cash
Chinese students in Australia
One university, two sensibilities