8 The EconomistSeptember 21st 2019
The world this week Business
SaudiArabia soughttoassure
markets that oil production
levels would return to normal
within weeks following the
attack on two oil facilities,
which cut around 5.7m barrels
of oil a day from output. An-
alysts are sceptical that pro-
duction can recover in such a
short timespan. The attack had
caused a huge spike in the
price of Brent crude.
The Federal Reservesliced its
benchmark interest rate for the
second time within two
months, by another quarter of
a percentage point to a range of
between 1.75% and 2%. There
has been mounting evidence
that uncertainty over trade is
starting to drag on the econ-
omy, especially manufactur-
ing. But with services flourish-
ing and consumer spending
buoyant, two of the Fed’s rate-
setters voted against a cut.
Earlier the Fed injected billions
of dollars into the financial
system because of an unex-
pected shortfall of cash avail-
able to banks, leading to a
surge in the “repo rate”for
overnight loans. It was the
Fed’s first such surprise in-
tervention in money markets
since the financial crisis.
The chief economist of the
European Central Bankde-
fended its decision to cut
interest rates and restart its
quantitative-easing scheme
amid fierce criticism from
Germany and the Netherlands.
The ecbreduced its main rate
to -0.5%, taking it further into
negative territory. Jens Weid-
mann, the head of Germany’s
Bundesbank, said the ecb had
overreacted to the euro zone’s
slowdown. Bild, a German
newspaper, lampooned Mario
Draghi, the ecb’s soon-to-retire
a tentativesettlementit has
reachedwith 24 statesand
Won’t work
WeWorkpostponed its ipo
amid tepid interest from in-
vestors and a drop in its ex-
pected stockmarket value. The
office-rental firm has never
made a profit and was trying to
go public amid market doubts
about the prospects for other
loss-making startups that have
floated shares this year. Adam
Neumann, WeWork’s hipster-
ish ceo, said he was “humbled”
by the experience.
Another blockbuster ipothat
was shelved earlier this year
was back on track, but in a
much slimmer form. An-
heuser-Busch InBevstarted
taking orders for an offering of
shares in its Asian division
minus its Australian business,
which it sold after pulling the
ipotwo months ago. The brew-
er will float the shares on the
Hong Kong stock exchange at
the end of the month.
Under pressure from an activ-
ist investor, at&twas report-
edly considering whether to
divest its Directvbusiness, a
satellite-media provider that
the telecoms giant acquired in
2015 as part of its diversifica-
tion strategy. Elliott, an activist
hedge fund, revealed recently
that it has bought a stake in
at&tand criticised its manage-
ment’s approach to acquisi-
tions, which has saddled the
company with around $160bn
in net debt.
The United Automobile Work-
ers union held its first strike at
General Motorssince 2007.
Around 48,000 employees
downed tools, disrupting more
than 50 factories and car-parts
warehouses. A collective-
bargaining deal agreed to in
2015 has expired, but the com-
pany says the pay rises and
other terms in a new contract
are generous. The union argues
that it made sacrifices when
gm faced bankruptcy in 2009,
and that its workers should be
rewarded for creating “a
healthy, profitable industry”.
The “Supreme Court”
Facebookannounced its plans
for an independent “oversight
board” to regulate decisions it
makes about censorship on the
social network. The board will
hear its first cases in 2020, and
will eventually have 40
Sandoz stopped distributing its
Zantac heartburn medicine
while regulators investigate
the presence of an impurity
called ndma, which is classi-
fied as a probable human
carcinogen. The Swiss drug-
maker said that this was a
precautionary measure.
The move towards autono-
mous carsstepped up a gear
when Shanghai became the
first city in China to allow test
vehicles to carry passengers.
The riders will be volunteers
and a driver will sit in the car,
but if there are no accidents on
Shanghai’s complex and busy
road system the three car firms
that have been granted the
permits will get the green light
to increase their fleets.
Source: Datastream from Refinitiv
2019, $perbarrel
Jun Jul Aug Sep
Attack on Saudi facilities 70