MaximumPC 2007 H

(Dariusz) #1





hen science-fi ction authors got wind
of the concept of lasers, they immedi-
ately weaved the technology into their story
lines as heinous instruments of interstel-
lar destruction—not surprising, when you
consider that the word “laser” is actually an
acronym for “light amplifi cation by stimu-
lated emission of radiation.”
But as you sit in front of your PC,
you’re likely to be in close proximity to
several lasers, none of which is capable
of setting paper on fi re, much less blow-
ing apart a spaceship. The same goes
for those traveling shows that use such
focused beams of light to create halluci-
nogenic displays to a soundtrack of Pink
Floyd and Led Zeppelin.
Lasers today are the key technology
behind CD, DVD, HD DVD, and Blu-ray play-
ers and burners. They create the images
produced by laser printers, and they precisely
track the movement of laser mice. How did
a concentrated beam of light become so
important to so many aspects of modern
computer technology?

To understand lasers, we must start with the
atom, which—as anyone with the slightest
exposure to science education knows—is the
basic component of just about everything in
our known universe. The atom, however, can
be broken down into even smaller elements;
namely, neutrons and protons, which form the
atom’s nucleus. Neutrons and protons exert
a positive electrical charge, while a cloud of
negatively charged electrons circulate around
the outside of the nucleus.
Light—any type of light—is created when
electrons are energized by an external source,
such as electricity. Once that is accomplished,

the electrons move into a higher orbit around
the atom, and the atom becomes unstable.
This state is only temporary, however; the
electrons soon return to their normal orbit, and
this is when the good stuff happens. As the
electrons return to a state of equilibrium, they
release their excess energy in the form of par-
ticles called photons: light.
When the electrons inside the atoms of
conventional light sources—such as incandes-
cent light bulbs, fl uorescent tubes, fl ashlights,
and even the sun itself—are excited, they emit
photons randomly. The “white” light gener-
ated by these sources contains a wide variety
of incoherent rays of different wavelengths
(wavelength being determined by the energy
difference between the atom’s excited and
relaxed states). The light is described as being
white because it’s the sum of many different
wavelengths. A laser device, on the other
hand, is capable of compelling atoms to emit
photons in a highly organized fashion.

The key concept behind laser light is stimu-
lated emission. If the photon emitted by an
atom encounters another atom with an elec-
tron in the same excited state, it can provoke
that second atom to throw off a photon that
exhibits the same wavelength and moves in
the same direction.
A laser consists of a gain medium, which
is a material with specifi c optical properties
that render it capable of amplifying light of
a specifi c wavelength. The gain medium is

housed in a cavity capped by a mirror at one
end and a partially transparent mirror at the
other. As energy (in the form of light, or in the
case of the semiconductor lasers, electricity) is
pumped into the gain medium (which can be a
gas, liquid, or solid), it excites these electrons.
The electrons then emit energy in the form of
photons as they return to their relaxed state.
The photons then bounce back and forth
between the two mirrors, repeatedly pass-
ing through the gain medium, exciting other
electrons and stimulating the emission of
even more photons. This cascading effect
continues as long as energy is applied to the
gain medium. Some of these photons escape
through the partially transparent mirror, also
known as an output coupler. Since all the
escaped photons are of the same wavelength
and are all traveling in the same direction, they
form an intense, monochromatic, highly direc-
tional column of light: a laser beam.

Semiconductor lasers are the most common
type of laser; low-powered semiconductor
lasers are used in the construction of every-
thing from laser printers and optical drives to
laser pointers and measuring devices. The
semiconductor laser in a common CD-ROM
drive emits light with a wavelength of 780
nanometers (very near infrared, which ranges
from 750nm to 1mm) and is projected through
a lens with a numerical aperture of 0.45. As a
lens’ numerical aperture increases, so does its
ability to create a focused spot of light.

White Paper: How Lasers Function

Energy injected into a laser’s gain medium excites the atoms within it, causing the electrons circling those atoms to
throw off particles known as photons. These photons exhibit the same wavelength and move in the same direction,
resulting in a powerful, monochromatic beam of light.

The computer industry has tapped Stimulated emission is the key concept

this exotic technology for a host of

everyday applications. Sadly, no one

has yet devised a means of equip-

ping sharks with lasers beams.


Mirrored Atoms


Energy Source

Laser Light

Energy Source

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