Woman’s Weekly New Zealand – September 02, 2019

(Tina Meador) #1
Never wavering
from her routine, she
reads the contents
of her Red Boxes
throughout the
day (far left).

Angela has
been senior
dresser to
the Queen
since 2002
and chooses
all outfits
for her.

be exactly 18cm deep – the
Queen hates waste. A yellow
plastic duck and a small, fake
crown – Christmas jokes from
princes William (37) and Harry
(34) – keep the monarch
company while she washes.

Once dry, she moves to her
dressing room, complete
with full-length mirrors, where
one of her three dressers will
help her into the first outfit
of the day. Everything is
chosen by the curator of her
wardrobe, Angela Kelly, who
has selected the Queen’s
clothes more than a decade.
“We are two typical women,”
says Angela (51). “We

discuss clothes, make-up,
jewellery. We say, ‘Would this
piece of jewellery look nice
with that outfit?’ and things
like that.”

A hairdresser then replicates
her style, that has not altered
for decades, and the Queen
is ready to face the day.


Since Prince Philip (98) retired,
the Queen usually breakfasts
alone in her private dining
room. In a corner, a television
is tuned to BBC News.

The meal is always the
same. Cereal is dispensed
from a Tupperware container
on a sideboard – usually
either cornflakes or Special K
but yoghurt and maple
syrup are also available. She
sprinkles fresh or dried fruit
on top. Sometimes she toasts
a slice of bread and thinly
spreads Tiptree light

During the Christmas holidays
at Sandringham, the Queen
varies her breakfast routine
with scrambled eggs (always
brown – she believes they are
tastier) and smoked salmon,
sometimes with truffle oil.
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