Parliamentarian – July 2019

(Barry) #1

this summer is water scarcity and
water riots. Since 1987 this has been
discussed sometime or other.
The names of KL Rao since the days
of Nehru, and later of Pilot Dastur and
garland schemes, interlinking of rivers
have been talked about but the problem
of water scarcity remained unsolved in
well-known drought prone areas.

ardra pravesh
This year 2019 the Ardra Pravesh
horoscope reminds one of 1987 and
2002 and the problem of water scarcity
will be much worse as the population
has grown, water scarcity has
increased. Add to it the well-known
communal angle and you see the
meaning of Saturn Ketu conjunction
in Dhanu. See the Ardra Pravesh
horoscopes of three years, two of past

new year horoscope
Against this background see the
Hindu New Year horoscope of 2019.

aTTenTion should

Be paid To The

proBlems ThaT a

new governmenT is

likely To face, as seen

asTrologically. The

major proBlem The

governmenT will

face This summer is

waTer scarciTy and

waTer rioTs. since

1987 This has Been

discussed someTime

or oTher

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